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Briars POV
It's finally Saturday and Levi is knocking at my door. I rush down the stairs trying not to trip over since they're steep and run over to the door. I take a deep breath before opening it to reveal Levi stood there with a single rose. I blush as he hands me it and I invite him inside. I walk into the kitchen and get a vase out and fill it with water.
My mom walks in and smiles at me and Levi.
"Mom meet Levi, Levi meet my mom." I say and they hand shake politely before me and Levi leave.
We walk out of the house and get into Levis car, he drives us to a spa in the middle of Toronto and passes me a bag with a bikini in.
"I guessed on the sizes but I thought I'd treat you to a spa day." He says with a warm smile. I smile at him and give him a hug.
"Thank you." I say before pulling away from the hug. He takes my hand and we walk into the spa.
He checks us in and we go to get changed. I look down at the bikini and smile. It's beautiful. It's white/ivory and for once really comfortable. I walk out of the changing rooms and see Levi stood waiting for me. I smile as we walk over to the jacuzzi and get in. We just talk about life in general the convocation flew naturally until I told him about starting ballet, then it became awkward, I started feeling quite uncomfortable around him. His face turned from soft and happy to angry. I became afraid. I looked around me trying to avoid eye contact but I could feel his eyes piercing my skin. I stood up and got out of the jacuzzi. I walked over to the pool and slid in, he followed and slid in next to me.
"You know, I never thought you would be the ballet type." He said as his face softened and wrapped his muscular arms protectively around me. I snuggled deep into his chest.
We stayed in that same position for 5 minutes and then decided to go for some thing to eat.
We decide to go to an American diner for hotdogs and burgers.
As we were eating we just talked and laughed, you would never have thought we had just met on an aeroplane a few days back. It felt like I had knew Levi forever. Maybe we may one day be a couple of maybe we might just stay friends... Who knows...

Sorry for not updating since Thursday, I've been doing my silver Duke of Edinburgh which involves 3 days of walking and 2 nights of camping, without wifi. This isn't a great chapter but that's because I'm exhausted and haven't slept at all well for 2 nights, but I'm going to have a good nights sleep tonight and will be uploading daily on this from now on. - Lois 💙❤️

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