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Briar Nolet
We boarded the plane and sat in our allocated seats. It's a 2 stop plane, we stop in England and then go directly to Toronto. Unfortunately I wasn't sitting near anybody I knew. I was sitting next to this boy, he was around the age of 4 and I'm guessing he was sitting next to his older brother, who looked around my age. The younger boy had short dark brown hair and the older boy had light brown hair, short back and sides with a longer more quiffy bit on the top.
I sit back in my seat and look out the window and just watch as we take off. Once were in the sky I just look at my phone and play color switch. After 30 minutes the little boy next to me falls asleep and rests his head on my lap. I look down at him and smile at how cute he looks.
"Oh my god, sorry," The other boy says drawing my attention away from the younger boy making me giggle.
"It's fine, he's obviously tired." I say with a smile.
"Yeah, it's been a busy day." He says and I nod.
"Where you off too?" I ask politely
"Canada." He says and I nod.
"What were you doing in France?" He asks
"School trip, you?" I reply
"Family vacation." He says
The rest of the flight is quiet but relatively short since we were only going to England. We all leave the plane and sit in the lobby before boarding again. I'm still sat next to the two boys but instead this time the older boy sits next to me and the younger boy sits on the isle seat.
I look out the window and I must fall asleep because when I open my eyes my head is placed on the centre of the boys lap and he is stroking a piece of hair behind my ear. I sit up avoiding any eye contact and turn my head away from him. This is awkward.
"Sorry," I whisper embarrassed but instead of him replying he pulls me into him and hugs me tight.
"I never asked you what your name was, I'm Levi, Lee for short, this is my brother Kai and you are?" The boy says looking down at me.
"Briar," I say with a warm smile.
"What a beautiful name." He says making me blush a little.
"Thank you." I respond politely.
"Any siblings?" He asks and I nod
"One sister, Abbey. She's 2 years younger than me." I say
"And how old are you?" He asks with a smirk.
"16." I respond with a smile
"Same." He says whilst nodding
"Do you have any other siblings?" I ask
"2 sisters, Georgia and Nevaeh. Nevaeh died when she was a day old, the day my mom had to name her. She was going to be called Scarlett, but before my mom got the chance to name her that she died and that's when my mom decided she wanted her to be called Nevaeh, it's heaven spelt backwards. Nevaeh Quinn." He says with a weak smile.
"Oh I'm so sorry. That story is beautiful!" I say and smile up at him

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