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Briars POV
For the rest of the flight me and Levi just talked about our hobbies, families and friends. I found out he likes football and swimming. I've never made friends on an aeroplane before, not that I go abroad much, it's the first time I've ever been to Europe and probably the last. Levi tells me that he's from Brampton, that's not to far from me.
After hours of conversation the plane lands. I say goodbye to Levi and leave the plane. I find the rest of my school and we collect our luggage. I walk out of the airport and see my mom standing there smoking a vape.
"Briar, how was your trip?" She asks as we start walking back to the car.
"It was great although we spent more time indoors since it just rained." I said and she laughed.
"Oh well at least you had a good time." She said as she unlocked the car. "Abbey is at Savannah's house so I need to pick her up." I nod and get in the car.
We drive to pick Abbey up and drive home.
"Briar, how was it?" My dad asked as I walked through the front door.
"It was great, but I missed home for sure." I say and he smiled.
"What did you do there when it wasn't raining?" My mom asked
I explained about what we did on the trip and then started talking about how beautiful the ballet was. My sister laughed and walked up the stairs.
"Ballet huh? One of my colleagues son's does ballet, he use to play Billy in Billy Elliot on Broadway." She says with a smile
"Whose Billy Elliott?" I asked confused.
"He was a ballet dancer from a village in Durham in England. His family were a family of miners and disapproved of him doing ballet." She explained
"Cool." I said
"Maybe I could ask if her son could teach you someday. Only if you'd like?" My mom said with a warm smile.
"I'd love that." I responded
"I'll give her a call now." My mom said and walked off.
As she walked off I grabbed my suitcase and walked to my room to unpack. I started to unpack when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Facebook friend request from Levi Quinn. I smiled to myself as I accepted before walking out of my room and downstairs.

"Briar, I hope you're not tired because we need to go and buy you a pair of ballet shoes for your first lesson tomorrow." My mom said before inhaling a draw from her vape. I smiled and we walked out to the car. She drove me to a small shop and bought me a pair of white flimsy ballet shoes and a nice sky blue leotard with a waist elastic and a scrunchy for my hair. I wonder what he's like...

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