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(Requested by isabelleornquest.)

   Tim was a high school freshman. A shy one, at that. He had no friends other than his brother, and sat near the back of the class every day. This was also true for Torc. The two would have never met if it was for their brothers, in fact.

It all started on one faithful day, while Tim was sitting outside of their highschool, waiting for his brother to finish talking to his three friends; Edd, Matt, and Tord. He watched the four laughing from afar, and kind of wished he had someone like that by his friends.
"Hey, bro." Tim peeked up and looked up at his brother. He stood up from his seated position, looking slightly up at Tom.
"Yeah? You ready to leave?" Tim asked, his small Brit accent flowing out of his mouth. Tom chuckled.
"Nah. I want you to meet someone." Tom then waved his hand into the air, calling over a boy with a red sweater on and devil horned spikes on his cinnimon brown hair. Tord was his name, right? Besides him stood a smaller version of himself with large glasses on his face and had a faded red jacket on. Tord walked up to Tom and waved at the smaller male.
"Heyo. This is your brother, right?" Tord asked, looking at Tim. Tim nodded softly, scared of the senior. "That's great!" Tord grinned a fanged smile. "This is my little brother, too. Say hi, Torc." Tord aid, looking down at the smaller copy of himself, who waved at Tim and walked up to him shyly.

"H-hi." Tim was slightly taken aback by his Norwegian accent.
"Hey. You're Torc, right? Torc Audet?" The small norski nodded. "I'm in your English class."
"I-I thought you looked familiar." Torc smiled softly, to which Tim returned.
"You're shy, huh? I'm basically the same."
"I guessed so. Y-you're always quiet."
"Same to you."

As the two continued their conversation, Tom and Tord watched on, smiling softly at the fact they had found their brothers friends to actually talk to.

Tim x Torc OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now