Three Days of Despair: The Final Day

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(Warning: this day includes gore, death, cheating, murder, and mentions of cancer. I know that's a very touchy subject in this fandom, but it was requested.)

(Welcome back to the TDoD challenge, the third and final day! Yes, that's a LOZ reference for you gamers out there.

Anyways, these last shots were all requested by @fandom_queen_4life.

Third day of despair includes: death of a character, starvation and all alone, cheating.

I hope yesterday's were alright for the challenge. Today is going to be the real challenge with these strong themes I've never dared to write about. Expect for the cheating one, kind of.

Anyways, prepare yourselves for the final day of feels~

And, if these suck, I'm sorry. I'm not that confident isn't writing these. Sorry.)

(First shot: Scenario 1 with either character sick with cancer. Tom and Tord show up for a little bit.)

Tim leaned his head back agaist the chair as he sat on the cold floor of the hospital. He stayed quiet, not moving a muscle except for breathing. Why Torc, of all people, he wondered. What did he do to deserve this?
Eventually, the two he was waiting for showed up. His older brother, Tom, and his boyfriend's older brother, Tord. He instantly stood up, seeing the two.
"We heard. Do you know what's going on?" Tom asked. Tord just stared ahead of himself. Tim shook his head.
"No. I haven't heard anything." Tim explained. Tom nodded and made Tord sit down. The norski looked like he was snapped out of the world, like he didn't even know how to react to what was going on. Of course he didn't know how to react. His only brother, the one he grew up with, was diagnosed with cancer and just went in after coughing up blood. Tim sat down next to Tord and patted his back.
"You ok?" He knew that they weren't that close, but he felt like he could somehow make Tord not feel alone. The norski looked over to Tim.
"No. I'm not ok. But thanks for asking, I guess." His voice sounded cold. Tim gulped and nodded, leaning back in his seat.

Hours. The three sat there for hours. Tord fell asleep on his boyfriend's lap and Tom was running his hand through Tord's hair. Tim just stared at the wall across from them. Sure, Torc didn't cough up that much blood, but he collapsed after that. It made Tim worried even more. Was Torc even going to live, he asked himself.
He leaned his head back again, closing his burning eyes. He barely blinked, so that's why they burned. And he hadn't slept for a long time. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard the door to Torc's room open. He looked over to see a doctor looking at them. Tord bolted up and was he first to get, running up to the doctor and gulping.
"Is Torc ok? I'm his brother. I need to know." Tord talked fast. Tom and Tim stood up as the doctor slowly shook his head.
"I'm... sorry. We couldn't save him. The cancer took over his heart and killed him." The doctor stated, his voice full of sympathy. Tord instantly backed up as Tom went to his side and hugged him tightly. Tim just stood there, not knowing what to even say. His mouth hung open a little bit.
Slowly, the three left. It was raining outside. Strange, it was sunny a while ago. Tord was still crying into his shorter boyfriend's jacket, his tears making stains on Tom's blue hoodie. Tim still hadn't broken down. His mind didn't process that his boyfriend was gone. When they got into Tord's car, that's when it hit Tim. And it hit hard. Like a hammer to his skull. He instantly broke as he sat down, burying his face in his hands. Tears streamed down his face fastly. Tom sighed and started the car up, backing out of the parking lot. He knew he was going to have to comfort both of them.

(I didn't want to write a lot on that shot because, again, cancer is an extremely touchy subject in this fandom... I don't even like writing about it.)

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