Another Angst Shot

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(Requested by Ashes_of_the_Stars! My prompt for this one was that Tim gets depressed somehow and starts drinking. You'll see what happens~

Man, do I love writing feels for some reason.)

   Tim took another swig out of his bottle of beer and sighed, slamming the now empty bottle onto his counter. He looked over to the other side of the kitchen counter and spotted his phone buzzing out of control. He picked it up, seeing it blowing up with texts from his boyfriend, worried and begging for him to pick up. He just turned his phone onto sleep mode and put it back on the counter, grabbing another beer out of his fridge. He cracked it open and took another swig, not caring that it burned the back of his throat. He put the bottle down and wiped his mouth on his arm, walking into the bathroom.

   He put the back of his palms on the edge on the kitchen sink and looked at himself. His hair was puffed up in every way possible, the dark blue dye in the curl of his hair was fading, showing it's bleached blond color. His ouch black eyes had purple-ish bags underneath them from lack of sleep and his over all face had drooped. Hell, he even had bandages around his arms. He heard his phone go off again and groaned, walking back over to it. He picked it up and was surprised, for once, that it was Tord, not Torc.

Tord: Hey, can we talk?

Tim: fine. Only for a moment.

Tord: Torc has been worried sick

Tord: look, I know his death was hard on all of us, especially me.

Tim: shut up. You didn't know him from the moment you were born. He hated you.

Tord: we both know that USED to be true.

   Tim turned his phone off again, this time completely. He tossed it onto his table, not caring about it. He walked back to the bathroom and washed his face, though it didn't help. Man, he could really use a shave. And some sleep.
   He sighed and grabbed his bottle of beer again off of his counter and went back to chugging, not caring about anything. His mind screamed at him to stop, that he may hurt himself, that he wouldn't have wanted it. But Tim didn't care. Sure, he had Torc in his life, but he didn't feel comfortable. He didn't have his brother to stand by him anymore. Looks like he was going down the same drain that he did.

    The one beer turned into two. And two turned into three. Before Tim knew it, he was surrounded by empty bottles of booze, and felt his heart pounding. But he kept on drinking, taking another bottle, cracking it open, and chugging. That is, until he felt his stomach do a flip and his abdomin start to ache. He coughed and dropped the bottle, feeling foam start to rise from his mouth; probably all the booze he had drank. Tom's eyes went white and he gripped his stomach, guessing he needed to go throw up. He stood up, and before he couldn't take another step towards his bathroom, he fell flat onto his face and the world went black.


    Torc paced back and forth, nervously twiddling his thumbs together. Tord watched him, a state of blankness of his face.
   "Calm down." Tord ordered, but Torc didn't pay any kind to his older brother.
   "Don't tell me to calm down, Tord! What if he doesn't live, huh?!" Torc screeched at Tord, not getting any sort of emotion switch in his face. Torc sighed and slumped his shoulders, wiping a tear away from his eye. He sat next to his brother. "I'm just... scared."
   "I know you are. I am too." Tord responded, barely any emotion fueling his speech. "I felt the same way you did. I just cried a lot more."
   "I... I know..." Torc wiped his eyes again, hoping that his boyfriend would be alright. Suddenly, the door to Tim's hospital room opened and a doctor stepped out. Torc bolted up, tears in his eyes.
   "Is he ok?!" The doctor stayed silent for a moment.
   "You... should probably go see him." He said and walked down the hall. Torc raced into the room, Tord following him slowly with his hands in his hoodie pockets.
   "Tim?! Can you hear me?! Timmy?" Torc shook his boyfriend, who lay on the hospital bed. He had IV after IV hooked up to him as his heart beat counter went on steadily, shaking here and there. Tord looked at the machine and sighed, placing a hand on his little brother's shoulder. He knew what was about to happen, as he had seen it happen before.
    "He's gotta be alright! He's gotta!" Torc's voice faltered, clearly showing that he was lying to himself and not falling for it. He shook Tim again.
   "Torc, stop." Tord looked at the monitor again. It's beeps were getting slower and slower.
   "He can't leave!"
   "Bro, stop..."
   "He just can't!" Torc turned to his brother, tears falling vastly down his face. Tord stood there for a moment, silent, before a loud and long beep was heard, echoing through the room. Torc instantly hugged his older brother, sobbing loudly into his jacket. Tord just patted his back, knowing that nothing he could say would fix his brother's broken heart.

(I bet you guys can figure out what happened before this took place. It's kind of evident.)

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