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(Requested by JMRdraws! I don't think anyone drew Tim as a monster, but I've seen him wearing black and purple cat ears, like the picture above. So, that's his monster form. A giant cat.

Hope this isn't too bad!)

Tim was a monster. A horrible beast with a long, black tail, stout, black ears, and two black eyes that stared into anyone's soul. He told no one about this, not even the people he loved most. He hated he fact that he could hurt someone if he got too angry.
Eventually, he did tell someone. He told his boyfriend, Torc. At first, the small norski didn't understand. He thought it was a joke. Once Tim told him it wasn't a joke, Torc shrugged it off.
"It's not like you've killed anyone yet, right?" Torc has asked.
"No." Tom's simple reply was strong. Surprisingly, he had kept himself under control and locked himself away when he had the urge to kill or felt the transformation happening.

   One day, he had no such luck. He had invited his boyfriend over to relax with him. About an hour in of the two cuddling on the couch and almost falling asleep, Tim felt a slight pain in his mouth. He quickly excused himself and raced to he bathroom, covering his mouth with his hand. He looked at himself in the mirror, staring at his canine fangs, which had began to grow and become serrated. He growled under his breath, hoping that he wouldn't transform. Nothing pissed him off, so why was he changing?
   He heard a soft knock on the side of the wall, and looked over to Torc, standing in the doorway.
   "Are you ok...? You don't look so good..." Torc walked towards Tim, making the taller male back up.
"I-I fine." Tim stuttered, biting back a growl of pain and his canines grew again. "I just... need to.... grab something! Yeah!" Tim exclaimed nervously, rushing back Torc and running down the hall to his bedroom, locking the door behind him.

Torc watched him run off, confused. He knew for a fact that Tim wasn't ok; he could sense it. He slowly made his way down the hall, shoving his hands into his pockets. Once he got to the door, he pressed his ear against it, hearing a few grows and snarls come from inside. Despite this, Torc stayed as calm as he could, and knocked on the door gently.
"Tim...? Are you ok...?" No answer came from within, but the snarls stopped.
The opened a little bit, but Tim didn't seem to be near the door. This slightly freaked Torc off, but he shrugged it off. It had opened only a little bit, so he might as well be behind it. Torc closed one eye and looked in, trying to see anything in the dark room. That's strange, he thought, it was day time. Tim never closed his window curtens, so shouldn't there be light?

Torc kept staring, trying to see anything in the pitch black darkness. He thought it was the room, of course, but the darkness suddenly shifted, causing Torc to squeak and fall backwards. His red eyes went wide as he stared the door for a moment, seeing a flicker of a tail-like object reach out of the door. The darkness shifted again, and the door opened fully, showing a large black cat in the doorway. It's ears had purple on the inside, and it's fur had a tinge of purple to it. It's eyes were as black as midnight, and Torc freaked out slightly, until he stared at them. He slowly started to catch his breath and stand up, confused again.
"Tim...? Is that you..?"

The cat tilted it's head for a second before nodding it's head a little bit. It stood up on its four legs and walked forwards, staring down at Torc. The norski let out a breathy chuckle.
"So, this is what you meant by 'you're a monster'. You're just a giant kitty!" Torc smiled and petted Tim's head, making the cat purr. "You aren't a monster." Tim let it a huffed meow-sounding growl and flopped onto his side in the middle of the hallway. Torc giggled and started petting Tim's side, making him purr louder.

   After a minute or two, Torc cuddled up besides Tim, making the cat monster throw an arm around Torc's small body and pull him closer. Torc just giggled and cuddled into Tim's black fur, relaxing.
   "You should have showed me earlier. You're nowhere close to a monster, Timmy." Torc mumbled, making Tim purr again and curl up into a ball of fur around Torc.

Tim x Torc OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now