Sequal to the angst shot

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This sequel was requested by @crazypastelstars. I hope you enjoy it!

This one is taking place right after Torc stabbed himself in the neck. Also, this is in Tim's general POV.

WARNING: more feels in here. Be warned, my precious readers)

    Tim finally got the door off of its hinges, having to slam his entire side into it to break the lock. He instantly ran into the apartment.
   "Torc?! Torc, where are you?!" He cried. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tell you that! I-" he stopped as he looked around, seeing a puddle of dark crimson blood slowly growing from the kitchen.
   "No...." Tim whispered. "No.. this... this isn't real..." he slowly walked to the kitchen and gasped at the sight, tears instantly welling into his eyes and going down his cheeks. Torc was laying on the floor of the kitchen, a knife deep into his throat, coming out the other side. His eyes still had tears at the edges and a small smile was on his lips, blood trickling down the corner of his mouth.
   "Torc?!" Tim instantly went onto his knees, not caring if they got covered in blood. "Torcsie?! Come on!" Tim shook his small boyfriend, who didn't respond at all. No heartbeat was heard. No breathing to be seen. His body was ice cold.

   Tim reached into his pockets and pulled out his phone, calling 911 and telling them, in an urgent voice, that his boyfriend had stabbed himself in the throat and no vital signs were showing. They instantly sent an ambulance out, while Tim called up Tord and atom, knowing they would be together at the point in time.
   "Hello?" A strong Norwegian accent asked on the other side of the phone. Tim gulped.
   "Tord. Come quick over to Torc's apartment." His voice was urgent.
   "What? Why?"
   "He stabbed himself. He isn't breathing and an ambulance is on it's way." Tim shook, almost about to crumple up. He heard the phone being dropped and some shuffling noises, as two voices urgently talked. Tim hung up the call and walked back into the living room, not standing to see the sight of Torc.
   "I'm sorry, babe... I'm so so sorry.... I'm an idiot... I should have never fucking done this..." Then, he noticed it. A ypeice of paper on the coffee table. Tim picked it up and read it, covering his mouth as more tears came out.

   It was a suicide note that Torc wrote. It explained everything: why he was doing this, his feelings, everything. He even told Tord and Tim how much he loved them, and that he was sorry for doing this. Tim was sobbing now, tears slipping down his face fast as his heart ached.
   After another minute, the ambulance came and told Tim to get out. So, he sat on the steps outside, hugging himself. Tord and Tom ran up the stairs at the moment.
   "Where the hell is my brother?!" Tord shouted, worry and anger in his eyes. "What the hell happened?!?"
   "Easy, Tord, easy." Tom tried to calm his boyfriend down as he looked over to Tim. "What happened?"
   "I.... oh god, I'm the stupidest person on earth! I cheated on Torc, I don't even know why, and then I yelled at him. He ran off and I found him in his apartment! A knife in his throat and not breathing or having a heart beat.... oh, Tord, I'm so sor-" Tim was cut off of his sentence as a crack was heard in the area. Tord growled, his eyes red with anger as tears slipped out here and there, his hand balled into a fist. He had punched Tim right in the jaw, leaving the Brit spiraling. Tom gasped a little bit and glared at Tord.

   "What he hell did you just do to my brother?!"
    "Tom, he basically fucking killed Torc! He's an asshole!" Tord snarled. Tom snarled back, balling his hands up. Before a fight could start, he marched into the apartment. Once he left, Tim snapped back to his senses and cried even more. Tom hugged him, sitting next to his younger brother.

   "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Tim whispered under his breath. Tom just shushed him and told him to calm down. Tim responded with crying into his brother's shoulder.

(Sorry if they were any mistakes. Hope you enjoyed this heart-wrenching sequel)

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