Arranged Marriage

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(Requested by Smol_Tommo. Hope you enjoy it!)

    Torc growled a bit, crossing his arms. He was dressed up in a white tuxedo, trying it on before he baught it. His brother chuckled a bit from the corner. Torc looked over to him, is red eyes full of rage.
   "I hate you."
   "At least I'm not making you wear a dress." Tord replied. Torc sighed. "Does it fit?" Torc just nodded.

   You see, Torc's brother was a strong military leader, known as the Red Leader. He only had one main enemy, Thomas Spaventa, or the Blue Leader. The two wanted to stop the war, since it was going on for far too long. Usually, in Tord's family, the two armies would have a truce and have the Red Leader and the enemy army's leader married, but Tord didn't want that. He hated Tom, and Tom hated him as well. So, they decided that their truce would still be a marriage between the two armies, but not the leaders. It would be their brothers, Tim and Torc. Torc hated that he was dragged into the mess, he liked being a scientist in his brother's army, but he hated the fighting. So, he decided to go with it and just make a sacrifice. Didn't mean he liked it, though. He hasn't even met Tim yet, and he hated him.
   Tim was the same. He hated his brother for dragging him into this mess, but Tom wouldn't back down. He was a hard-ass leader, who didn't take back anything.

    Anyways, a day before the actual wedding, Tord and Tom decided that the two should meet eachother. So, they met up at the peace conference room between the two army bases. Torc was pissed off enough, and the Blue Leader's brother was late, which just pissed him off more.
    "Stop acting moody." Tord huffed while they waited. "You're acting like you're going to loose your whole life."
   "I kind of am!" Torc screamed at him. "That's like you giving me a baby to take care of suddenly! This guy is probably going to be a controlling jerk!" Torc turned to his brother, pissed. Tord stayed calm, though, as the door opened and Tom and Tim walked in.
    "Red Leader." Tom nodded a bit, hate in his eyes, still. Tord chuckled.
    "Thomas and Timothy. Glad you two could come." Tord walked over to them with Torc shuffling behind him. He looked at the tall boy behind Tom, presumably Tim. He was kind of cute, Torc had to admit. His eyes weren't a hard black like Tom, but they were softer. His hair was bleached and pushed to the side, the ends dyed dark blue. Tim looked down at the smaller male as he straightened his posture.
    "H-hello." Torc stuttered. Tim smiled.
    "You're Torc, right? I'm Tim. Nice to finally meet you." He chirped. Torc let his guard down. He could usully tell if someone was faking being nice or actually being genuine, which Tim seemed like the latter. The smaller male smiled and nodded.
"N-nice to meet you, too." Torc mentally cursed himself for stuttering. Tim smiled.
   "You don't have to be shy."
   "He's normally like that." Tord but in from the corner, annoyance in his voice. Surprisingly, Tim glared at him.
   "Don't talk about him like that." He stated and looked back to Torc. Torc giggled and blushed a bit at that. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, huh?

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