Dear Evan Hansen/Reverse AU

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(Help me
I've become addicted to this musical.

Anyways, I wanted to write feels. And this is perfect.

Reverse!Torc is Conner
Reverse!Tim is Evan
(Cause tree bros)

So, this takes place in an AU where Tim and Torc were actually friends before Torc killed himself, instead of it all being a lie. And a few other things are changed up, like points in the timeline.

Musical fans... be prepared... or just everyone in general)

Tim Hansen was your normal high school boy, but with a slight mess up. He had terrible anxiety and hated to talk to people. He would always stutter around others, other than his brother, when he even saw him. Well, mostly.
He did have one friend of his, a close one. His name was Torc Murphy, a short guy who had a huge attitude. He smoked pot, got in fights with his family, and was, in general, the bad kid of the school. But, he understood Tim. He understood how he was always forgotten and lost in the crowd, since he was the same. But, he didn't want everyone thinking Tim was a misfit, like him, at school. So, they talked through Torc's fake email account, secretly sending eachother messages. Mostly encouraging eachother. The two boys both loved it whenever they got an email from their friend, and would sometimes meet up outside of school.

When summer came, Tim took a job as a park ranger, mostly known for his knowledge on trees. Torc couldn't contact him at that point, which scared Tim like crazy. One day, he panicked, and his anxiety took over him. He climbed a tree near the end of his shift on his last day and, one he was high enough, let go of the branch, intended to kill himself. He only broke his arm, though. No one found him until his boss was walking around at the end of his shift and took him to the hospital.
When the two went back to school, Torc signed his cast, making his name take up the whole place with a dark red sharpie. Tim didn't think of it that much at first, but it was Torc's way of saying 'he's mine'. Yeah, Torc liked the taller male. He loved him a lot, but always thought he was way too much of a loser for him. So, Torc disappeared.

Tim was worried at first, wondering what was happening, until he was called down to the principal's office. Supposedly, Torc printed out Tim's lasts email to him and folded it into his pocket before hanging himself. The paper had two small hearts at the top, drawn with a dark red sharpie and a light blue one. Tim found out the news from Torc's adoptive parents, Paul and Patryck. It broke Tim's heart completely in two and he offered to try and help.
When the teenager got home, he let all of his tears out, crying into his arms on the floor. No one was there to comfort him, for his older brother was at work, his father was dead, and his mother had abandoned them years ago.

Tim tried to make it through the days, becoming even more quiet in school. He would even send messages to Torc's email account, asking how he was doing, even if he knew he would never get a response. He kept looking at the printed note, mostly at the hearts. Did they mean that Torc loved him? Because Tim loved him as well, if that was the case. He liked how the smaller male could help him no matter what.

So, just like at his job, he panicked. But he wasn't falling from a tree this time to break his arm.

This time, it was him finding a gun his brother kept for self defense and shooting himself in the head.

He was gripping the note when Tom found him, and it was stained with blood and tears, with the words 'I love you, too, Torc' written on it in Tim's handwriting.

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