Three Days of Despair Challenge

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Hey everyone, Dark here again. As the title suggests, I want to do a challenge.

This challenge is called the Three Days is Despair. I couldn't exactly find it while looking it up, so I'm going off of my friend, Smol_Tommo's, description because they're doing the challenge too.

So, from what I know, I just have to put these two through torture and feels shots for three days. I have ten scenarios that I have. I'll list them here in a moment. What do you have to do, dear reader? Oh, nothing much. Just comment the number of the scenario you want to see me write in the span of the three days. Or leave multiple numbers. Or, if you want a shot that isn't on the list, tell me and I'll writing it! If you want for me to writie the shot with a specific AU (reverse, hybrid, etc.) then tell me in the comment. If you want something specific in the shot (example, in the death of one character shot, you want Torc to die) then please state in your comment.

Here are the ten shots:

1. Death of one character. Doesn't matter if it's from a disease or an injury.

2. Suicide of one or both characters. Please tell me who will commit suicide in the comment, or I'll randomly pick.

3. Starvation and all alone

4. Murder, tell me if one of the characters is a victim of murder or a murderer please

5. Rape (yah.... I'll go that far)

6. Kidnapping (tell me if you want Tim or Torc being kidnapped by someone or if one kidnaps the other)

7. Cheating

8. Insanity

9. Yandere

10. Acrotomophilia (or the sexual pleasure of torturing someone or dismembering them)

Get prepared for some feels and dark DARK themes, people. And don't forget to comment what scenarios you want.

Tim x Torc OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now