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(Finally back to writing shots. Sorry that the updates will be slow. I'm trying to get everything done and mid-terms are coming up for me sooo... that's bad. Sorry that this isn't a fluff and romantic shot.

Anywho, this was requested by Zer0S0uls, so thanks for the request! I have two after this one that we're angst; I'll try to get them out soon!)

    Torc smiled softly to himself as he stood outside of a small pet store that sat next to his cafe. They had just opened up last week and he would pass it sometimes. Today, he decided that he would actually look around. Right now, he was looking into the window display they had outside, beneath the window with their logo and number printed on it with plastic letters that were forever glued on the pane.
   In the window display lay a bright green, clearly fake, grass carpet with a few small, seemingly fluffy, beds and some bowls of water and food. The pets living there were a few cats, either sleeping, eating, or playing with a toy. Only three cats remained in the display. Torc's brother, Tord, had told him most of them got adopted. Hell, he even got one; a fluffy Russian blue cat with strange black eyes that acted moody.
  As the norski looked around the cats, one caught his eye. Another Russian blue, like Tord's new cat, with strange black eyes. Must be the other cat's brother or sister, Torc thought as he entered the shop.

   After a half of an hour of walking around and looking at everything the store had to offer, he passed the cats again. The one with the black eyes looked at him and tilted his head to the side. Torc smiles a bit at the cat, and it purred, even if he hadn't pet the cat. He was about to reach through the gate and pet the cat before an employee stopped him and asked him if he was going to buy anything. Torc thought for a moment, looked at the cat, smiled, and looked at the employee.
  "Yeah. I'll take the Russian blue."
  "The one with the black eyes...? He's a bit odd."
   "I know. I don't think it's odd, I think it's unique. My brother care by yesterday and naught the cat similar to him, so I thought it would be appropriate." He shrugged, pulling his wallet out. The employee nodded and went to get the cage key.

   "Finally, home." Torc chirped to himself as he walked into his small apartment. He set the cage down that he had bought with the new cat and leaned down to it, unlocking the cage door and opening it. The cat in the create froze, his fur puffing up. Tord watched the cat as he slowly got out of the cage and looked around. He sat down on the carpet and looked up at Torc with almost expecting eyes. Torc giggled.
   "I guess you want a name?" He asked. The cat seemed to nod. "Hm..." he thought, sitting on the couch, a hand under his chin. The cat jumped up next to him and curled up on his lap, purring loudly. Torc giggled again and ran his hand down the Russian blue's side. He remembered the name Tord gave his own cat: Tom.

   "I'm gonna name you Tim." Torc suddenly blurted out. The cat looked up and purred softly. "You like that..?" The cat seemed to nod again.

  "Alright... then I guess your name is Tim..."

Tim x Torc OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now