Valentine's Day shot

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(Eyyy I'm back from the writing hiatus I was on.

Happy Valentines Day people-

If you're single, don't worry, I hate this holiday as well-
No, I'm not single, I gots me a girlfriend, but VD just brings up bad memories, that's all-

This prompt was given to me by @neariscoot, so thanks!

So, here, in honor of this fluffy lovey day, have a fluffy lovey shot with your favorite (Maybe) dorks-)

  Tim gulped slightly as he parked his car on the dirt road, looking at his phone to check the time. Only five minutes until he had to meet Torc, and he already arrived at where they were supposed to go to: a small, nearby fairground outside of London that was open for the weekend. He texted Torc that he was there and got out of his car, fumbling around with his car keys until he locked his car correctly. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, reminding himself that the dark blue dye was starting to fade and that he had to get more soon before his hair color came back. He took a deep breath and stood up straight, even if he wasn't, and walked down the messily laid out road leading up to the fairgrounds.
He was nervous, to say the least. To be expected, this was the first date he would ever go on with his brand new boyfriend, Torc, who he had met a few months ago at a train station. Somehow, his awkward flirts had worked, and after a while of getting to know eachother, they were officially a thing. Torc decided that their first date should be at the first grounds, thinking it would be romantic, and Tim agreed.
He just didn't know he was going to be that nervous to see Torc.

It wasn't that he didn't want to go on a date with the small norski, no, but he was scared of messing things up. What if Torc ended up calling their relationship off? What if he was too awkward and Torc bailed? What if someone flirted with Torc and Tim didn't know how to defend him?
All those things messed with him as he walked up to the ticket booths and stood near one, his black eyes darting around in search of the small caramel horns that Torc's hair made up. As he searched, he didn't notice someone walking up to him, only taking note of them when they tapped his shoulder. He almost jumped in the air, his eyes going white in alarm as he looked over to his side, looking down. Torc stood there, flinching at the sudden movements and then shyly shoved his hands into his pockets.
   "Uh.... Sorry. I didn't m-mean to scare you, Tim..." Torc muttered, trailing off for a moment before Tim shook his head, half to clear it and half to reassure Torc.
   "No, no, it's fine, I'm just..."
   "Nervous?" Torc tilted his head to the side. "Me t-too..." he shrugged softly. Tim nodded a bit and chuckled awkwardly as his eyes went back to black.
"Uh, come on." Tim muttered softly before grabbing Torc's hand and walking to the ticket booths, the small, flustered norski following behind him.

After a few hours, it got bad for the two.
Both of them, apparently, had never gone on a date before. And that made both of them very very awkward to the point where they could barely talk to or look at each other. So, let's just say the date wasn't going very well. Tim tried to be romantic and ended up falling flat on his face, figuratively and literally, a few times. And Torc tried to make moves on Tim, but kept failing or not catching his attention at the right times.
  Soon, it was the end of the night, and nothing had been gained or lost, then than maybe Tim and Torc's dignities.

  Torc suggested they ride the Ferris wheel randomly, a full half an hour before the fair ended. Tim agreed, thinking nothing else could go wrong as they went up to the ride and got in a cart. They stayed quiet as their cart went up, staying on opposite sides of each other, facing the other male across from them.
   "Look... I'm sorry." Tim suddenly blurted out when they had reached near the top. Torc looked at him, blinking in confusion. He pushed his glasses up.
   "I'm sorry. I'm awkward, I've never done this before, and I didn't want you to ditch me or hate me because ithinkyourereallycuteandsweetandfunnyandIdontwanttobewithanyoneelse." Tim blurted out,  most of his sentence coming out as one quick word. Torc blinked again, staying quiet as his mind split the words up into an actual sentence.
   "Hey.... it's o-ok. I'm nervous, too, and awkward... I wanted everything to go well but I was scared, as well." Torc explained, shrugging as he turned shy again. Tim slowly smiled at him and looked over the side of his cart, almost screaming. "We're... at the top."
"Yeah. You scared of heights?" Torc asked softly. Tim shrugged.
"A bit." He admitted. Torc nodded and moved over to sit next to Tim, making the cart lean a bit, almost scaring Tim. Torc quickly grabbed his hand to calm him down.

   "Sorry..." Tim muttered again and looked at Torc.
   "Don't apologize. I'm awkward, too." He smiled softly. "Plus, you being awkward and nervous is kind of adorable." Tim blushed and looked down until Torc rapped his shoulder and the cart slowly started going down. Tim looked at him confused before Torc suddenly leaned up and in, kissing Tim softly. Tim got over his shock quickly and closed his eyes, kissing back.
After a moment or two, they pulled away from each other and smiled softly.
"That was..." Tim started, at a loss for words.
"Good?" Torc blinked, smiling.
"I was gonna say amazing." Tim chuckled and hugged Torc tightly, making the norski hug him back.

"Is it too early to say 'I love you'?" Tim asked suddenly as they were on their way down to the ground. Torc shook his head.
"Not at all."
"Then, I love you."
"Love you, too." Torc said with another smile.

(Eyyy lmao it sucks-)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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