TimTorc with a side of PaoloMiles

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(Long title, I know.

Requested by both Tom_The_Pastel_Bean and JMRdraws! Hope you two don't find this too bad. And I hope you don't mind me usuing the above prompt. I based this off of Wildcat's games of Mario Kart, too, because it's full of rage and screaming.

Paolo belongs to well, I mentioned them above. Tom_The_Pastel_Bean.
Miles belongs to a Tumblrist that I don't want to go searching for right now. I forgot their name, sorry.)

"Just frickin' STOP HITTING ME!" Torc screeched and pressed buttons on his controller wildly as his friends passed him on the track. He was never one to cuss, but he was damn close to it. Tim, his boyfriend, laughed beside him.
"Babe, calm down, we're only on the first lap."
"YOU GUYS ARE SCREWING ME OVER." Torc screamed as he stared at the tv screen, pressing buttons wildly.
"MoTHER-" Miles almost cussed behind them, instantly stopping and concentrating on the track. Well, that is, until he flew off the side. He then screamed the most cuss words someone could ever scream. His newly entitled boyfriend, Paolo, sat beside him, laughing.
"Why do you guys get so mad at Mario Kart? Of all things to get mad at, Mario Kart!"
    "You shut your face." Torc responded and went back to spamming buttons.

   "HOW THE HELL." Miles looked down at the floor in front of the couch. "How did you?!??"
   "I just stayed calm." Tim shrugged. He had won the race.
   "Fuck you. I'm getting food." Mike stood up on the couch and jumped over Tim's head, walking to the kitchen. Tim laughed and looked at Torc, who was staring at the screen.
   "You ok? You look mad." Tim held back a laugh as he poked Torc's cheek. The small norski crossed his arms and huffed.
  "He's totally not salty that he came in third place." Paolo commented in as Mike's came back in, pouring the contents of a small bag of Cheetos into his mouth.
   "What happened?"
   "Torc's salty."
   "I am not. You shut up Tim."
   "How about no."
   "You little-" Torc was about to cuss Tim out before he shook his head.
  "You're wrong. It's 'you big'." Tim chuckled and Torc screamed, scaring the crap out of Miles and Paolo.
   "Jeezums, ok." Paolo stared at Torc with a terrified look on his face.
   "Aw, come on, Torc. Stop being the Dead Sea." Tim chuckled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. The small norski glared at Tim for a moment before grabbing the front of his button up shirt and kissing him on the lips; to which Tim kissed back.

   "Well.... that's happening." Paolo pointed to the couple in front of him. Miles walked over next to him, nodding. A few moments of silence passed before Miles blurted something out.
   "Fuck it." Miles stated, his eyes half lidded. Paolo looked at him and was about to ask him what he meant by that, until Miles slammed his lips onto his in a sloppy kiss. Tim and Torc had pulled apart and were clapping.

(... Yah that sucked. Sorry. I tried to make it funny, I don't know why. I like it when date chapters turn funny.

If there are any mistakes, I'll fix them later on.)

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