A Proposal

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Epilogue Part 1.

It had been about three months since we've been back and working on these things. Hinata-chan and aniki have been getting close, since she's been helping me with the babies whenever I need to go out to get things. Sometimes Obito comes with me and we help the elderly.

They don't know that he was once bad, they just say how happy they are to see him again. Today, Obito took me out for dango and then we looked around a jewelry shop. I seen some pretty necklaces and even a beautiful ring. I then pulled him with me to Ino's flower shop.

We looked at the flowers and picked out what we needed for visiting the graves of our family and friends. We spent some time out there visiting kāchan, tōchan, Rin-chan and his bāchan.

Then, as we stood in front of the memorial stone, Obito surprised me when he grabbed my hands and kissed them. He pulled a rose from his pocket and handed me the rose. He then got down on one knee and pulled from his other pocket, a small box.

"You're the only woman that is dumb enough to still love me after all that I've done. You're the only woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with, whatever's left of it anyway. You're the only woman that, after all the wrong choices I've made, I'm finally able to make one right for. As long as you'll have me, my life will be complete. Will you Uzumaki Nozomi, be my wife?" He said quietly.

There were tears falling down both of our faces. But, we didn't care and I made sure to glomp him too. Causing the tears to turn into laughter and a bunch of 'yes' 'yes' 'I will' and 'I love you'. Which caused the laughter to turn back into to tears.

It was weird but beautiful at the same time. So, after putting the ring on my finger we went to the Hokage tower. When we arrived and greeted the silver haired man, Kakashi-sensei was surprised to see us.

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. I'm actually really happy right now." I said.

He smiled and looked at Obito, I think he knew what was going on. Not that I should be too surprised. They started talking to each other, setting up a date and time for our wedding and letting us know what we could do for the honeymoon. I couldn't help but blush at that and all the things that came to my

We went back home afterwards to put the twins to bed and I was feeling tired so Obito carried me on his back. Once we entered, I saw my two most precious little people. I immediately ran to them. They were being held by Hinata-chan. She handed them to me and the twins cried out for a minute, until they realized that their mother had returned.

I sat down and fed them settling back in to my surroundings as I did, I motioned for Obito to come forward. He sat down and leaned close and I tried to get them to say 'Mama' or 'Dada', but they just looked at me as if I was silly. I know it will be awhile before they speak those words, but it's nice to try anyway.

Izu-chan looked at his father and stared for a while before finally smiling and holding his arms out to be held. Obito hesitantly took his son from my arm and held him to his chest. The boy giggled at his father before falling asleep, finally putting the man at ease. Mi-chan also wanted to see the man that her brother went to, and held her arms out to him too.

I chuckled and turned to place her in her father's other arm. Obito looked at her and stayed still while she felt his scarred cheek. She soon grinned at the man and snuggled closer, also falling asleep, causing him to smile. As the twins got comfortable in their father's arms, I leaned against him and fell asleep. Then, he too had fallen asleep.

In the morning, Obito was the first to awaken along with Naruto-nii. They put the twins into their cribs and then Hinata-chan and I woke up next. The men left to purchase some food and ninja tools and we made breakfast, having some much needed girl talk. I teased Hinata-chan and asked when will the wedding be, she turned tomato red. She recovered quickly and got me back, asking me the same question. I turned pink and answered honestly, that he just proposed last night.

She got excited and wanted to help, I told her when the date and time is. We planned on contacting the other girls. When the men returned, with smiles on their faces, breakfast was ready and we ate it all up. Obito helped aniki clean the dishes and Hinata-chan and I enjoyed the chance to relax. It didn't last long because Hinata-chan grabbed my hand and dragged me out to Ino- chan's flower shop.

Ino-chan asked me if Obito popped the question yet and I nodded while giggling. She asked when we'll get married and I told her.

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