Joining the Forces

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One night about a month later, after Iruka-sensei joined us on the island. I was having some trouble with getting the twins to sleep. I was finally able to get Mi-chan to lay down, she really didn't want to sleep anymore than Izu-chan did. I couldn't help but chuckle at that, they would certainly learn to love sleep when they got older and thankfully aniki helped with Izuna.

I think I heard Gai-sensei comment that he looked like a kid he went to school with, Obito I think. Then, he decided it must just be an Uchiha thing. I just shook my head at that and smiled. That night though, I had a terrible dream.

I shot up out of bed panting and screaming. Aniki ran into my room to calm me and the babies. I felt so horrible for waking them, but I couldn't shake off that feeling this dream left me with. It took two hours to get everyone back to sleep and when morning came it made me wish for coffee.

Shizune-nee gave me some tea and that worked. We trained some more until Naruto- nii ran out, he said he could feel a lot of energies and emotions. He knew the war had started and he wanted to finally join the others. I told him that if he went, I was gonna go. He wanted to refuse me, because I just gave birth a couple of months ago and the babies were born early. I had to argue with him awhile and it wasn't easy.

"Ну и что! Aniki if we lose then it won't matter that I just had Izu and Mi-chan! We don't know what their father will do, but we know what we can do together."

He frowned for a second and then just hugged me. We decided that together with Killer B, we were going to go to the battlefield. Before we left, I had made sure to work on my speed. I wrote a note to my children in case of the worst happening. I made a kage bunshin to leave on the island and used henge to look like one of aniki's Kage Bunshin. I could make myself look like I was in Nine-Tails Chakra mode, but for obvious reasons I couldn't use any of the techniques.

That didn't matter though, because we decided that aniki would use one kage bunshin for me to use kawarimi to get past a barrier. So it would appear that he was using two instead of one. Killer B offered to help in any way he could. It took us only ten minutes to get through.

It burned a little and I lost my henge, but we resumed once I had it back. We continued until we ran into Killer B's brother A. I stayed back just enough and moved with aniki whenever he needed my help. Once we passed them, we went further towards our destination.

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