Chapter 1

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It has been two years since I left court and the love of my life behind. And I did it all because he didn't think I saved him. He thought that his precious little prissy Princess Vasilisa was his savior, so he pushed me away. Saying that he didn't love me anymore and that he wanted me to stay away from him. So, I granted the both of them their greatest wish, I left them both alone. With each other.


"Why is it that you can't just stay away from Dimitri like we have both told you to?! Do you not understand what he has been through, what he is still going through?!"

"I understand what he has been through a HELL of a lot better than you do PRINCESS." I sneered, because I had enough of their bullshit. She knew very well that the only reason that he was a dhampir again was because of me, not her. All she had done was follow me around like a little puppy dog and shove a damn stake in his heart. I was the one who'd risked my life over and over and over again for him, not her.

"Were you there, in Russia, when he was a strigoi? No, of course you weren't, you and your cowardly ass were safely hidden behind the academy wards. I was the one who was risking my future, my position as a guardian, even my very fucking life in Russia trying to free his soul. I was the one that dropped out of school to go to Russia. Not only too free him, but also to tell his family what happened to him. I was the one that the strigoi fed from repeatedly. I was the one who slaughtered three hundred and seventy-four strigoi just so that I could find him and free his soul. I was the one who had to stake the man that I loved hoping that at least in death he could be free and happy. I am the one who almost jumped off that bridge right after he fell. Were you there for me for any of that? No, you were too busy trying to punish me for daring to love someone, ANYONE, else enough to leave your side. Did anyone else, you included, even think to inform his family of what happened to him? No, of course you didn't. You were to wrapped up in thoughts, plans and ideas of getting your ass laid to even think about anyone else. You are a spoiled selfish little bitch who never thinks of  ANYONE but herself. I have risked my life more times than I care to count for both you and Belikov. But have either of you EVER appreciated my sacrifices or anything that I have ever done for either of you? The answer that you are searching for, is no you haven't. Neither of you have ever appreciated a single solitary thing I have done for you. So, let me inform you of something PRINCESS, you don't have to worry about me getting between you and Belikov ever a-fucking-gain. Because I won't be here to do that, or to protect either of your pathetic asses anymore. You have both broken me for the very last damn time. I have put up with your pathetic whinny bullshit since we were brought back to the academy and I am fucking through. Belikov has broken my heart more times than I can even count. So, you take him, see if he will use and discard you like he did to me. He lied when he said he loved me, I have figured that out by now, he only did it to get in my pants."

I turned my head to look at Dimitri, I wanted to see his face when I said my next words. "Because he is a lying sack of shit just like his bastard of a father. I can see SOOO clearly now. You intentionally said and did all of those things, before you were turned, to hurt me. YOU set me and Tasha against each other on purpose, and you did it for the shear fun of it. Just to see what we would do and how we would react. Just to watch us fight over you. You sat back and enjoyed my pain, just as you are doing now. I was stupid enough to fall in love with you, but I am not stupid anymore. You used me, like most any moroi man uses dhampir women, just like your father used your poor mother. Poor Olena, she has no idea that her son has become Randall's clone. I hope you had a good laugh at my expense because you won't be laughing in the future. You stay here and be her slave." I flung my chin in that bitch of a princess's direction.

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