Chapter 52

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"Thank you, your majesties."

Turning back to the jury he said, "jury foreman, please read the verdict."

"We the jury find the former Lady Natasha Ozera, guilty on all counts. We even feel that there should be more charges filed against the former Lady Natasha Ozera." Then the foreman resumed his seat.

"What more charges would you recommend being filed?"

The jury foreman stood back up to answer Crofts question. "Threats to the life of Queen Rosemarie's mother and father. As well as another count of threatening the life of our Queen right here in this very room."

"And what would the decision about the guilt or innocence of the former Lady Natasha Ozera be for those counts?"


Hans nodded.

The crowd went wild with cheers just as Tasha started screaming. "NO!!!! NO!!! No, this isn't fair. It's a set up..."

She pointed at my Roza. "That blood whore set me up. This is all her fault, if it weren't for her my Dimka would still be mine!!!!" 

On and on it went until Hans started banging the gavel again.

"Silence! Silence!!"

When Tasha still didn't shut up he gave her guards instructions. "Silence her, gag her!!!"

The crowd cheered as his instructions were carried out.

A few moments later Tasha was still trying to scream behind the ball gag that the guardians had strapped on her. But nothing that she was saying was discernable.

"Your majesties, the defendant has been found guilty on all charges. Plus, three other charges filed by the jury itself for the threats to the life of the queen's mother and father, as well as another threat against the queen's life. It is now your responsibility to sentence her. Do you know how you want to sentence her? Or do you need some time to make that decision?"

Roza sighed, she... well we, knew that it would probably come to this. So, we had already discussed and decided on what her sentence would be.

"Yes, Guardian Croft, that decision has indeed been made." I said.

"Would you like to pass sentence today or would you like to wait until tomorrow?"

"We will do it today so that we can all put this whole distasteful, ugly, nasty and disgusting incident behind us. That way we can all move on as a people and begin to heal." Lyubov' moya answered this time. (my love)

We had already spoken to Christian about Tasha's sentence and he agreed with Roza and I completely. Which was a huge weight off of not only my shoulders, but I knew that it was for my Roza's as well.

"Very well your majesties, what is the sentence for the former Lady Natasha Ozera?"

Roza and I both took a deep breath, holding onto one another's hands, lyubov' moya answered the inquiry that had been made of us. (my love)

"She is to be sent to Tarasov and her fangs ripped, as painfully as possible, from her head. We want her placed in a straight jacket for twenty-one hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year and placed in a padded cell. We do not want her to receive any mail, e-mail, phone calls or visitors. There is to be no type of outside communications of any kind for her at all. Which means no newspapers, no internet, no radio, no telephone calls and no television. She is to have no more contact with or access to the outside world at all, for the entire time that she is there. She is also to be fed with synthetic blood from a bag, one bag a day. That should keep her weak enough to where she can't use her magic, but with regular meals, also keep her alive. We also want her head shaved, here in the trial room in front of all of court, a few hours before she is taken to Tarasov. And while she is in Tarasov it is to be done on a regular basis, at least once a week. While she is in Tarasov, her cell is to be one that has a ceiling of five foot thick unbreakable, bullet proof and impenetrable glass with no ultra violet shielding at all to deter the sun from reaching her. This way we can be sure that the sun will reach her. We want her in a cell that will receive that absolute maximum amount of sunlight possible. The walls and floor of her cell are to be thickly padded. After she has served two years, she will be brought back to court under very heavily armed guard, which is also how she will be transported to Tarasov. When she returns to court, she will be hanged by the neck until she is dead. Once she is dead she will continue to hang for a month before her corpse is removed and burned."

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