Chapter 39

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She smiled at him, "thank you so much."

After that we all went to mine and Roza's office in the old palace which was now the new municipal building.

Three days later Hans called and said that Tasha's trial had been calendared to start the following Monday. Which we were all very happy about, none of us wanted to drag this out any longer than was absolutely necessary.

(EPOV) Ethan Moore

As I walked around the home that I had shared with Tasha. I thought about the things that I had heard her say and agree to. The plans that she had for the ruling royal family. And every bit of it made me sick. I couldn't believe that she had been hiding her true self from me all this time. That I had been to love sick to see what she truly was.

I remember sitting in that interrogation room a few days ago with those head phones on my head. Listening to those disgusting recordings of those phone calls between Tasha and that strigoi Darius. And there is no way that she could possibly deny that it was her on the tapes. Because she had said somethings that no one else would know about our sex lives. Not to mention the fact that she identified herself by name.

She had been right when she said that I hadn't ever just fucked her, because I'd always made love to her. I had always been so gentle, loving and kind to her and this is the thanks that I get from her in return.

I had always done my best to be considerate of her feelings in everything. And the whole entire time she had just been using me as a stand in for someone else.

But I didn't blame King Belikov, I had just recently found out that former Guardian Belikov was actually King Belikov now. But regardless of his station I still didn't blame him because it wasn't his fault that Tasha had been obsessed with him since he was a young child. He had never encouraged her in any way whatsoever, he had told her repeatedly over the years that he was in love with our queen. He had never tried to hide that from her. He had done everything that he knew how to put distance between himself and Tasha.

Our queen had been very kind to me in not forcing me out of not only the guardian ranks but also our entire society. She could have easily banished me for not knowing what Tasha was up to. But instead, she gave me a new job that would help lots of other guardians. Even some who were not guardians anymore but would like to be again.

I just hoped that the few members of my family that I had left weren't ashamed of me. That they and everyone else in our society didn't hate me. I made a decision as I gathered my things and got ready to leave this part of my life behind me forever.

From this day forth, I would do everything in my power to live up to the trust that our queen had been gracious enough to place in me. From this day until the day I draw my last breath I will do everything that I can. To make sure that everyone knew exactly what a wonderful queen and king that we have.

When the time came I would testify to the best of my ability about everything that I had seen and heard while I had been with Tasha. Even the things I had managed to explain away to myself. Things that if I hadn't been so wrapped up in trying to make Tasha out to be someone that she clearly really wasn't, would have brought me to my senses. Things that would have to be told to the queen which would probably become more charges laid against Tasha. But their majesties and our world needed to know everything to make a proper judgement against Tasha. Now, it was time to return to court and do my due diligence and duty to my queen and the ruling royal family.


Today was the day that I was going to have to confront Darius. He had been back in court for two days and according to his doctor's he was finally up to an interrogation. And today he was going to get one.

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