Chapter 10

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"Smart boy. I have missed you Dimka." She said as she once again wrapped me in her loving arms.

"I have missed you too babushka." (grandmother)

"Now, go say hello to your mother and sisters."

I quickly did as I was told.


"Oh, my baby boy. You are here, safe, alive."

I quickly took my mother in my arms, when I saw her tears start to fall. She fell into my arms and cried for a long time, and then she looked up at my Roza.

"Thank you Roza, thank you so so much."

"There is nothing to thank me for mama. I would go through it all again, a million times over, if it brought him back to us."

That is when I realized, that she really would happily go through it all over and over again to get me back. It was a stunning revelation to realize that she really does love me that much.

My Roza is the most amazing woman I have ever met. I smiled at her, letting her know how much I appreciated everything she had done and was willing to do for me again if need be.

I then turned to my sisters, and all three of them attack hugged me all at once. 

"DIMKA!!!" They all shouted.

"Vika, Sonya, Karo." We hugged each other and cried happy tears at being back together again. There was no way to tell how long the four of us stood there in one big huddle. But after all the tears dried, they all started hitting me in the chest, the arms, the head and the stomach.

"Hey!! What gives?"

"Why didn't you tell us, you were you again Dimka?!! Babushka had to be the one to tell us." Vika asked. (grandmother)

"I am sorry, but I was afraid that you wouldn't want me around anymore."

"Don't be stupid Dimka!" Sonja exclaimed, as she smacked me in the back of the head again.

"How could we not want you around Dimka? You are our brother, you moron!" Karo yelled at me.

"Ok, ok. I said I was sorry." 

I grabbed Vika and Sonja in headlocks and looked at Karo. "You are lucky I don't have another arm." Then the four of us were laughing again and I let them go, hearing my woman laughing at us.

"What are you..." Suddenly I was being beaten on again. 

"What is it this time miss moo's?"

"Babushka told us what you said to Roza, she would never tell us herself so babushka had to. You should not have treated our sister like that Dimka." Sonja said to me chastisingly. (grandmother, grandmother)

Lowering my eyes to the ground, I answered their accusation. "I know, and as I told babushka, there is no excuse for my actions." (grandmother)

Roza came over to me, wrapped her strong and loving arms around my neck. "You apologized, and explained. I was hurt and didn't fully understand what you were going through at the time. Although I did try. So, it is just as much my fault as it is your Comrade. I should have done as you asked and backed off, I should have given you the time and space that you needed to heal."

"No Roza, you went through hell to get me back to being a dhampir. And I did nothing but throw your efforts, bravery, pain and heartbreak back in your face. Then I stomped on your heart and left you all alone to pick up the pieces, I am so sorry milaya moya." (my dearest)

"You have apologized enough, Comrade. From here on out, let's just love each other."

Wrapping her protectively in my arms I asked, "how did I get so lucky?"

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