Chapter 26

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"I want to do it before she finds out that she's pregnant because I don't want her to think that I'm only proposing is just because she's pregnant."

"She's not stupid Dimka, she knows that you love her, she's always known. She knew it before you would even allow yourself to realize that you love her too. She just wanted you to come to that conclusion for yourself."

"I have loved her from the very first moment that I saw her, babushka." (grandmother)

"I knew that you would, you were always meant to be hers, just as she has always been destined for you. Once she is doing better there are some things that Abe and I need to tell the both of you."

"Is something wrong babushka?" (grandmother)

"No child, everything is just as it should be... now." That was all she said before she turned and walked out the door. Leaving me to contemplate the meaning behind her latest riddle.

I took my phone from my pocket and called Abe.

Ring... Ring... Ring.


"Abe, it's Dimitri."

"Ahh, hello Dimitri. How is my kiz bebek doing? Is she any better?" (baby girl)

"I don't want to get into that over the phone. Can you come up here?"

"Yes, I'll be there in a few minutes. Should I bring Janine?"

"That might be best."

"All right, we'll be right there." He hung up after that.

Less than three minutes later both Abe and Janine quickly walked through our bedroom door.

"What's wrong Dimitri?" Janine asked.

"Close the door, then you should sit down."

They did as I asked sitting in some of the other chairs that were pulled up close to mine and Roza's bed.


It had become a ritual of sorts that at some point during the day everyone in our circle would all gather in Roza and my bedroom and we would do a prayer circle for her.

Also, Ivan and his family, at least his mother, brother, nephew and sister in law would join us. Although, no one had yet told David that Ivan was actually his uncle Ivan they just told him that Ivan was a friend of ours.

The first time that that they came to the prayer circle it shocked a good many of us. Not so much Ivan coming because she had saved him after all. But the others joining him is what shocked everyone. Little David would always crawl up on the bed and lay his little head on Roza's chest. And ask her, "Thorn, please wake up, I miss you."

Even Mason would also make an 'appearance'. And every day he would tell us the same thing, "have faith, she will be fine. This is just yet another trial that we must all go through. Just remember, that no matter what you mustn't let your faith waver, that is paramount. 'The Warrior Healer' must have only the faithful around her. As I said, this is a test for all of us and our faith in God. This isn't Rose's test it is ours, she has already passed all of her tests. This one is up to us and as I said before you cannot let your faith waver."


"Abe, do you remember what I bought when the jeweler came to the house?"

"Yes, you bought my kiz bebek a beautiful engagement ring." (baby girl)

"Yes, I'd planned to propose to her before she got pregnant but, as I just found out, that's not going to happen."

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