Chapter 21

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"Mia, Eddie, the Belikova's, Oksana, Mark, mom, Adrian and Sonya are to stay here. Also Mishka, because if you wake him you will wake Sonya and she will insist on coming and she needs her rest, she just doesn't know it yet. I will not put parents or untrained people at risk."

"All right kizim, but you know when they wake up they are going to be furious that you left them behind." (my daughter)

"I know, but when they find out why they will understand, I hope. I would leave Dimitri and the others if I didn't know for a fact that he would tie me to the bed before he let me go without him."

I could see Dimitri's reflection in the mirror nodding in agreement.

"All right, I'll wake the others. Everything will be ready when you are."

"Thanks baba." (daddy)

After I hung up I climbed into the shower with Dimitri.

"Roza, must you really go? It's dangerous, what if you are pregnant milaya moya?" (my dearest)

"If I am, it's only a few days, and we wouldn't know for another two weeks anyway. My period isn't due to start for another two weeks, so if I'm late I will take a test. Besides, I'm only going to restore him not to fight or hunt. No one will lay a hand on me, I can use my magic to protect us all if the need arises. I've had to do it before and I can do it again if I need to"

"You better not let anyone or anything lay one single solitary finger on my woman. She is far too precious and important to me to let anything happen to her." He threatened in a teasing voice. But he was deadly serious, and I knew it to.

Ten hours later we all arrived in St. Petersburg Tom, Dale, Dennis, Arthur and Lev were waiting with two SUV'S. After we exchanged hello's we got in the waiting SUV'S and headed for our safe house.

"Dennis, has Ivan been captured yet?"

"Yes, ma'am. He is in the safe house waiting for you."

"Has he been questioned?"

"No. We knew that you wanted him as safe and as healthy as possible."

"Good, I know for a fact that he was turned against his will so there would be no need in torturing him. Plus, it would hurt Dimitri to see him treated like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Dimitri, it is good to see that you are a dhampir again." Dennis said looking at Dimitri in the rearview mirror.

"Thank you, Dennis, it's good to be a dhampir again. I hear that you, Arthur and Lev helped my Roza when she was in Russia the first time. So, thank you for keeping her safe, not that she needs protection, she is a one woman army after all."

"She is defiantly something else." Arthur laughed.

"Hey, I am awesome!"

"Yes, you are." They all replied.

Dimitri kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear, "in more ways than one."

I growled lovingly at him, which just made him smile.

The drive to our safe house took an hour due to all the Friday night traffic. But once we arrived we went directly to the interrogation room.

Ivan was chained to a medical table with charmed silver chains coiled and locked tightly around him. The magic in the chains kept him weak enough to where he could not escape and hurt someone.

"Dimitri, stay back in the shadows where he can't see you and listen to nothing that he says. You know that the things he says now are not the truth. You also know that he will say and do anything he has to in order to get what he wants."

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