Chapter 23

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I was so hoping that Ivan wouldn't ask about that suka but I should have known that he would. He's just that obtuse sometimes, and it looks like that much hasn't changed at least. (bitch) 

"When Roza and I were still at St. Vlad's Tasha came for CHRISTmas to visit Christian, who is her nephew. Anyway, at that time I was still stupidly fighting my feeling for my Roza and Tasha made me an offer to be her guardian and have a family with her."

 I saw Ivan wrinkle his nose up and snarl his lip in disgust and I agreed with him.

Even if I had gone to be Tasha's guardian I never would have slept with her, just the thought of that was nasty and disgusting.

"I told her that I would think it over but even if I had accepted the offer to be her guardian I would have never allowed her to carry my child. I would never have slept in the same room with her much less the same bed. A few days before the Spokane incident, Roza and I were sitting on the roof of the ski lodge and she told me to take Tasha's offer. I knew that saying that was tearing her up inside, but she wanted me to be happy even if it wasn't with her."

I turned and looked at my Roza. "I will never understand how she ever thought that I could ever possibly be happy without her. Anyway, when she told me to take Tasha up on her offer, is the very moment that I made up my mind. Ad would freeze over before I willingly left my Roza for anyone else, especially Natasha Ozera." (hell)

Turning back to Ivan I continued. "What I found out the night of her coronation, was that Tasha had tried to compel my Roza to jump off the cliffs at the resort earlier in the same day that we were on the roof. Telling her that she was keeping me from becoming a father and that she was endangering not only my career, but also my life by just being around me. And that if she cared anything about me that she would jump off the cliffs and end my pain and suffering. And many many other things. Tasha knew, I don't know how she knew but she knew, that I love Roza with every part of my being. So, she didn't try to get her to jump to ease my pain but she did it because she was dumb enough to believe that in my grief I would turn to her..."

"Stupid suka." Ivan said. (bitch)

He had never really liked Tasha, he had only tolerated her like I did. I don't really know anyone who actually likes Tasha, well, except for Ethan Moore I guess. Mores the idiot him, pun intended.

I nodded my agreement with Ivan and continued with my story. I told him everything that had happened between Tasha and I, as well as everything that she tried to make happen. Right up to when my Roza had thrown her out of court. And ban her from getting close to any of our communities, the academy's or any of the court locations ever again.

"So, you really don't like her huh?" He asked Roza with a smile on his face.

She just looked at him and rolled her eyes, "I'll put it to you like this. She's lucky that I didn't use my own magic on her when she threw that pathetic fireball at me. I mean for pete's sake, she is like almost twenty years older than Chris and his magic is one hundred times better, stronger and more powerful than hers."

Christian glowed under her praise.

"What would you have done to her?"

Ivan was getting giddy at the thought of Tasha being in pain pain similar to what she had put my Roza through. But, at least he was smiling I didn't smile this soon that was for chert sure. I probably would have been more likely to if I'd been smart enough to have my Roza by my side. And just sit down and talked to her, like Ivan was doing. Instead, I pushed her away and acted like an mudak to her. While all but worshipping the ground that that little suka Vasilisa Dragomir walked on. (damn, asshole, bitch)

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