Chapter 11

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He laughed, "if it is all right with your mama, then I promise you that I will do my absolute best. But your Auntie Roza is an amazing woman and I imagine that she has tricks up her sleeve that I could never even imagine. But I will teach you all that I know. "

She smiled a big smile and said, "ok." Then she dove for him too, Dimitri wound up with his nephew on his shoulders and a niece in each arm.

I got Vika, Sonja and Karo to take some pictures while Dimitri and the kids weren't paying attention. Then the four of them posed for a few, it was all so completely adorable. I saw Dimitri's eyes shine with unshed tears of happiness.

Later we all sat around the family room talking and watching the children play for a few hours. I had sent some of my guardians to the nearest toy store. And had them to buy the kids the latest video game system and all of the age appropriate games along with controllers and whatever else they thought would be needed. I had absolutely no clue because I knew nothing about video games. But I got Eddie, Chris and Adrian to text them a list.

Suddenly Dimitri asked me, "So, you loved me from the very first moment that you saw me huh?"

I couldn't look at him because I was too embarrassed. He put a finger under my chin and raised my eyes to his. "Don't be embarrassed milaya moya. I have loved you from the very first moment that ever I saw you too." Then he kissed me lovingly. (my dearest)

We all sat around talking and telling stories until I was suddenly pulled to my Aunt Tati's office.


"Your majesty, Lady Natasha Ozera is here to see you."

'Oh lord, here we go,' she thought, 'I hope you are watching this Rose.'

"Show her in please." Guardian Steele showed Tasha into my aunt's office.

"Your majesty." Tasha said as she bowed.

"How may I help you today Lady Ozera?"

"I came to you in the hopes that you would have Guardian Dimitri Belikov assigned as my guardian. I know that he is no longer Princess Dragomir's guardian. So, I had hoped that he could be mine. I know that he has wanted to be my guardian for years but he was assigned to Lissa and he would not break his vow so he did not ask to be reassigned."

"Well Lady Ozera, I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but Guardian Belikov has already been reassigned. He has already given his vow of protection too Princess Ivashkov, and she has accepted. And as you know, once that happens one or both of them has to ask for him to be reassigned."

"Could you possibly convince the princess to break the vow?"

"Why would I do that?" Aunt Tati was getting impatient with both Lissa and Tasha. A normal person could ALMOST hear it in her voice, I on the other hand am not normal, so I COULD hear it in her voice. She was getting FARRRR beyond frustrated with the both of them. And she had absolutely no intentions of reassigning Dimitri to ANYONE else. Ever.

"Dimitri and I are involved, and it would be easier on us if he were to be my guardian. I am sure that the princess could find someone else to be her guardian."

"I am afraid that I cannot do that Lady Ozera. Princess Ivashkov needs Guardian Belikov more than anyone else does, she needs the best of the best and Guardian Belikov is that."

"Why would she need him?"

"Because Princess Ivashkov is to be crowned our new queen in a few days. And as I said, as the queen she needs the best protection the guardian ranks have to offer. You would not want our future queens' safety at risk now would you Lady Ozera?

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