Chapter 41

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"My God, why has no one caught on?!" My poor love cried out.

"It was always in a different country. The first time was in Romania the next was here in the United States, in New Orleans actually, and the last time was in St. Petersburg Russia. After the first time Tasha always insisted on being the first one in the tub since it had been she that had been the one to take the risk in getting the children."

"Who all has Tasha got you to kill or turn over the years." I asked that question myself.

Darius laughed. "I don't have them all written down or anything but there have been quiet a fair few of them. There has been several girls that had looked at you, Dimitri Belikov, in a way that she didn't like over the years." He answered as he looked into my eyes apologetically. 

Darius went on and on and on for hours and hours. Giving us a list of names that Tasha had had him kill or turn for her and telling us other things about her that he knew first hand.

"And of course you obviously know the latest addition to that list since she is our current queen."

He looked at Roza. "I am sorry about that your majesty."

"It isn't your fault Darius, the things that you did as a strigoi are not your fault. Are they atrocious and disgusting? Yes. But they are not your fault, because you were possessed by the evil that is a strigoi. So no, it most certainly was not your fault. However, the former Lady Natasha Ozera has no such reason to give as her excuse. She did all of that all on her own, of her own volition and of her own choice." Roza told him just as she had told me repeatedly and still does on occasion when I needed to hear it.

"As a strigoi your body is possessed by evil but your soul has no control over your bodies actions. And therefore you are in no way to blame for the things that monster did while he was in possession of your body."

Lyubov' moya explained to him just as she tried to explain to me from day one, if only I had been willing to listen to her. If I had listened to her we wouldn't have lost so much time together. Because I was so filled with guilt and disgusted with myself we have lost almost three ysears. I was so thankful and blessed that she had been so willing to forgive me so easily when she came back to court. (my love)

We stayed in Darius's room for hours as he explained more about Tasha and their relationship. As well as all the information that he had on the remaining strigoi along with their movements, numbers and plans.

He even told us of another dozen or so strigoi that Tasha had slept with over the years. We were all disgusted by the things that we heard but none of us doubted them for a moment. We also found out that my Roza had killed or restored every single one of the strigoi that I had known or worked with while I had been a strigoi. I was very thankful for that particular piece of news.

"There are actually less than one hundred strigoi left in the entire world your majesty, and they want to attack court and kill our queen. But because of the failed attack and the mass restoration that you did last year. They know that they can't do and get away with that so they intend to just stay hidden as much as possible and replenish their numbers after she dies."

"Well, to bad for them that she is immortal then isn't it." I said with a smirk.

After obtaining all the information that Darius had to give us Roza, Alberta, Hans and I all left the hospital.

"I will go back to the hospital's security office and get them to give me the security video of Darius's room for the last several hours. After which myself, Kirkley, Winslow and Nevsky will go back through it. Together and separately and make sure that we amend the charges against the former Ms. Ozera appropriately."

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