Chapter 6

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"Me first lyubov' moya." Dimitri said. I closed my eyes just as he started thinking about just how badly he wanted to kiss me again. (my love)

I smiled before leaning up and kissing him with everything I was worth.

After I pulled back he cupped my cheek and thought, "Roza, can you hear me?" 

I just nodded at him. 

"I have missed you so very much lyubov' moya. I am so sorry for pushing you away, just when I needed you the most. I never meant to hurt you milaya moya." (my love, my dearest)

"I know that you didn't mean to hurt me, Comrade. I am so sorry for the things I said to you the day that I left. I never actually thought you hurt me on purpose. And I sure as hell didn't think that you were ever anything like your bastard father. I am very very sorry about that stupid rape comment. Can you ever forgive me for the things I said that day and the way that I acted?"

"Dorogaya moya, you were forgiven before the words ever left these beautiful lips." He said as his thumb brushed across my bottom lip. (my darling)

"Can you forgive me, for being such an zhopa?"  He asked. (ass)

"I did that a long long time ago too." We both laughed before kissing again.

After our passionate kiss. I turned to face the others with a smile on my face while still wrapped in Dimitri's strong, comfy, gentle, loving arms.

"Who's next?"

"Would you mind if I went next?" Celeste asked.

"No, that is fine with me."

"Princess, can you hear me?"

I nodded at her and then I sent her my thoughts, "please don't call me princess, unless you absolutely have to."

She laughed, "what would you like me to call you?"


"Very well."

"Thank you."

"Of course, Thorn."

"Anyone else?" 

Yuri raised his hand. 

"Go ahead."

"Can you hear me princess?"

"Yes Yuri, and please, like I asked Celeste call me Thorn unless absolutely necessary."

"Of course, Thorn. May I ask a question?"


"I don't mean to ask you to use your powers in any wrong way, but can you tell if Celeste would be open to me asking her out?"

"Let me check." 

I probed Celeste's mind, but only for that specific thing. 

"You should definitely give it a try." I smiled.

"Thank you."

"You are quite welcome, and if it gets that far. I want an invite to the wedding."

He laughed at me, "you are assured one."

"Good. Anyone else? Mommy Allie?"

"You have already shown me Rose, I believe you." Emil and Serena nodded in agreement with her.

Even though people at the academy had called Dimitri the antisocial stoic battle god, Emil was even more reserved, quiet and stoic than my Comrade. He hardly ever spoke, unless he really had something to say. I was going to have to try and change that in the future.

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