Chapter 9

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"Well, as Thorn said, the first time we went to Russia was six months after we left here. So yeah, the first time we met, well as far as Vik and I go. The others were roughly six months after that."

"Have any of you tried to sleep with my sisters?"

"Comrade!" I laughed.

"That is between the six of them, don't you think? None of them have asked you if you've ever slept with me. Thank God." I mumbled the last part.

"Yes, but..."

"No buts, your sisters are all grown women. Do you want the men in my family asking you questions like that about us?" I asked as I pointed to the men in my family. Which just so happened to be all the men in the room except Dimitri, although he is my family too just not in the same way as the others.

"No! I don't want anyone ever asking me questions like that about you."

"And the difference is what exactly?" I asked with a raised eyebrow challenging him.

I couldn't help it; it was just so funny. I was trying very hard to hold back my laughter.

He sighed before answering, "nothing I guess." 

Then he looked at the three men in question. "If any of you ever hurt any of my sisters. I will dismember you, after I disembowel you, then I will behead your corpuses, before finally setting your asses on fire. Do you all understand me?"

They all nodded, before Adrian said, "you know Belikov, you and Thorn threaten almost exactly the same way."

Everyone but Dimitri and I laughed.

"What do you mean Adrian?" A confused but very sexy Russian god asked.

"Well, her threat said what yours did. But she also said that she would castrate us all first."

Dimitri turned and looked at me, "you threatened them on behalf of my sisters?" He sounded stunned.

"Of course, I did. They are my sisters too you know. And I love them just as much as you do."

Dimitri quickly pulled me up off the couch and into his arms, "God help me, I love you so chert much Roza." (damn)

"I love you more."

"That is just not mentally, emotionally or physically possible milaya moya." (my dearest)

 I just smiled at him.

My father interrupted, "I spoke to your aunt and she agreed Rose." 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I am sorry, but you are just going to have to get used to it again."

"From the masses, yes. But not from my family, which everyone in this house is. So, for all of you it is still Thorn, please." 

They all nodded.

"So, what do you want to do now Roza?"

"Honestly, I would like to get some rest, jet lag is a pain in the ass. But first, baba could you call and get the dressmaker to come here tomorrow for Mia, Sonya, myself, the Belikova's and Oksana? Make sure they know to come here instead of guest housing." (daddy)

"Of course, kizim." (my daughter)

"Thank you, baba." I stood back up and hugged my baba. (daddy, father)

"Goodnight everyone." I turned to walk away, but Dimitri didn't follow me. 

"Are you coming Comrade?"

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