Chapter 22

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"But for now you need to eat, feed and get some rest. I realize that you may not want to feed right now, after what you've been through, but trust me a newly restored moroi really needs to feed. You don't have to feed from a feeder yet though. And until you are ready for that you can feed either from a bag or it can be put in a cup for you, the choice of how you fed is up to you. But, as I said, you do need to feed. After everyone has had a good night's sleep we will go home." I told him.

"Where is home?"

"Ivan, Roza is actually Queen Rosemarie Rana Marisol Ivashkov, our reigning queen."

Ivan sat back up in bed really quickly. "Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that our reigning queen left the safety of the wards just to restore me?!"

"Well of course I did, you are one of my people too Ivan."

He looked at Dimitri, silently asking if I was serious all Dimitri did was smile and nod at him.

"But why?"

"You are my soul mates best friend Ivan. And once I found out that you were not indeed killed but turned instead, I had to do everything in my power to bring you back to him. And to your family, your nephew David is such a sweet little boy he deserves to have his uncle there for him just as my Comrade deserves his best friend."

Ivan looked at Dimitri again. "Is she serious?"

"Deathly. She met David, who is four by the way, the day of her coronation. She has been quietly looking for you for months Ivan, even before she became our reigning queen. We were sound asleep when she got the call saying that you had been found. And she didn't miss a beat, saying that she would be here as soon as she could get here, and here she is."

That's when Dennis walked in with a glass of warm blood and the pizza Ivan liked. I looked at the pizza and shook my head.

"Don't worry Thorn, we ordered you a few pizzas too. Also, your blood is in the microwave as we speak."

"Thanks Dennis."

"Wait, aren't you a dhampir?" Ivan asked me.


"Then why do you drink blood? And how do you have magic?"

"Well, that is a little bit of an in-depth explanation."

"I will bring up the rest of the food and your blood so that you can explain it all to him." Arthur said, and I nodded at him.

After he returned he lay the pizza's and plates on the table with different soft drinks and bottles of water. Before handing me my blood.

"Thanks Art."

"No problem Thorn."

After everyone had their food and was comfortable I began my tale.

"Almost three years ago, as you know, I left court. I took Chris, Eddie who isn't here, Adrian who also isn't here, Mishka who I also left at court, Spiridon, and Ben..."

Chris, Donnie and Bennie raised their hands so Ivan would know who I was talking about.

"... with me. Anyway, the seven of us along with my father Abe..." Who also raised his hand.

"Along with two of his guardians Pavel and Sergei." Again they raised their hands.

"Set out to kill as many strigoi as we could get our hands on. And we did, we kill thousands before I was shot. Have you ever heard of Victor Dashkov?"

"Yes, I heard that he kidnapped Princess Vasilisa Dragomir and tortured her. Although I never found out why."

"He wanted her to heal him, he had Syndovsky's disease and he thought that if she healed him he would become king. Anyway, a year and a half after we left court we came across Victor, he had escaped from Tarasov." I still didn't mention that the only reason he escaped was because of me.

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