Chapter 6

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Normal P.O.V

Everyone had been introduced to Lacamoire and Kail, and currently the group was spread out on the couch and floor in the living room, going over lyrics and lines. People took turns singing their lines. Some of them at first refused to do so, being embarrassed, but everyone did at one point.

Laughing at King's lines. Laughing at Burr's failed attempts to flirt with Angelica.

They practiced Arron Burr, Sir and The Schuyler Sisters and were currently practicing Dear Theodosia, letting Lin and Alex sing together. To be completely honest, no one thought that Alex could sing as well as he did. No one thought any of them could sing, but Alex sung amazing.

Lin had taken Alex aside and shown him the lyrics for The World Was Wide Enough, and luckily Alex gave it a thumbs up.

Lin showed them pictures of some of the cast that he had seen audition. After looking at pictures and some of the clips, the cast for 3 of the company, Thomas Jefferson/Lafayette would be played by Daveed Diggs, Anthony Ramos would be John Laurens and Phillip Hamilton (Alex had said he was hot and John punched him in the shoulder). They also had Phillipa Soo for Eliza, Leslie Odom Jr. for Burr and Jasmine Jones for Maria/Peggy, which everyone thought that it was pretty funny that one person would be playing both of them.

Lin was obviously going to play Hamilton, and they were currently going back and forth between two guys for Washington, and three for King George.

"I like Christopher Jackson." Washington spoke up, Lin nodding, writing the name down.

"I think Johnathan Groff should be King George." Lin said. "I agree." George said, making Lin nod, circling his name.

"I think I have a pretty good list for everyone else, but we can go over it later." Lin said, yawning, looking over to the clock to see that it was 10 minutes to midnight.

Everyone bid their farewells and left the flat, leaving the Revolutionary group, Lin, Lacamoire and Kail.

"Ok, you three can crash on Alex's and mine beds, and someone can either take the couch or share. We four will be in Laf and Herc's room." John said, shooting a glare at Alex as the younger sat on the couch, furiously typing on his laptop. It was another one of his endless essays, this one was about the plan and more on the people that he had met and the people that were choosing for the cast.

"I can take the couch." Lacamoire offered, Lin nodded. "Thomas, you can take John's bed since I usually take Alex's." Lin stated, standing up.

"Is someone going to stop Alex?" Thomas asked. John nodded, snatching the laptop off of his boyfriend's lap, quickly saving what he was doing and closing the lid. "John~~" Alex whined. "Bed."

"I'm not even tired." Alex said, even though the bags under his eyes were becoming more and more prominent as the day went on.

"You will be mon ami," Laf whispered in a guilty tone, making Alex's head snap up in alarm.

"Fuck, you guys didn't!?" Alex exclaimed.

"Sorry Alex," Hercules apologized. "But how much did you sleep last night?"

"2 hours." Alex mumbled.

"The night before?"

"N-none." The shorter mumbled, looking at the floor in shame.

"And the night before?"

"N-none, but that doesn't mean you have to slIP A SLEEPING PILL INTO MY FOOD!!!" Alex yelled.

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