Chapter 11

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Alex P.O.V

I, somehow, was the last person to wake up 8:30 am. When I finally pulled myself out of the spare bedroom, Lin was sitting on the couch, nursing a cup of coffee with his eyes closed. "Where is everyone?" I asked the elder. "They went to a cafe before heading to the theater. Before you complain, I made you coffee, black, on the table. I can drive us in." I nodded, retreating to the table and quickly scooping up the filled, still hot, mug of coffee.

Once I made my way back to the couch there was a knock on the door, and Lin jumped up to quickly get it. I wasn't listening, but he soon re-entered the room with a women in her mid 30's following behind, holding a 2 or 3 year old kid who was squirming around.

"Mrs. Bailey, this is Alexander." Lin introduced. I quickly put my coffee down, stood up and shook the woman's hand as she shifted the baby to her left arm. Mrs. Bailey turned towards Lin.

"Can you still watch Benjamin today?" The woman asked, and Lin's face paled, however I stepped in before he could say anything.

"I can watch him." I said. "Lin is supposed to be at the theater for everyone in a half hour. I'm a close friend, if you're okay with it, little Benjamin will be perfect in my hands." I announced, promising the woman.

"Could you?!" She asked, her face lighting up. "Thank you so much Alexander. If Lin doesn't mind, could you stay here, or in my apartment, it's just one floor up." Ben started crying, and his mother attempted to shush him, however he didn't stop.

"No, I'll stay here. I see you have the baby bag, and if I need anything, I can run up if you trust me with a key." I said, Mrs. Bailey nodded, Ben still crying.

"Oh, yes." She said, holding out her son, who I instantly scooped up and held on my left side, bouncing up and down, keeping to boy from crying. Within seconds of me rocking and bouncing back and forth, Benjamin quieted, making a gurgling noise and whispering a word or two before resting his head on my chest.

"I can't even quiet him that quickly." Mrs Bailey said, her jaw slacked as she held out her apartment key, which I quickly took and put on the coffee table. I looked over to Lin, who had been quiet through this whole ordeal.

"I'm going to be late!" Mrs. Bailey cried, setting the baby bag down on the couch. "Lin you too, come with me, we can walk out together." the woman said, pulling Lin along.

"Put his food and juice in the fridge. He has diapers and extra clothes and some toys. I'll be back around midnight." Mrs. Bailey said, pulling Lin with her. "How old is he?" I asked out of curiosity.

"He's 2 and a half. He's my first son. Thank you so much Alexander." She thanked me again.

"It isn't a problem Mrs. Bailey, I know the feeling." I said sadly, looking back down at the baby who was slowly falling asleep in my arms.

"And Lin, I got this. I've practiced enough for now. You better not come home until at least 11 tonight, no earlier." I reassured him. Lin gulped and allowed himself to be pulled out of his apartment. I softly closed the door behind the duo.

It was nearly noon, and I had put little Benjamin in his high chair that was brought over, and was feeding him tiny banana bits.

"Can you go ahh?" I opened my mouth, making little Ben laugh, opening his mouth so I could put food in. I laughed again. It was so nice to be taking care of a child again. I had missed out of some of this last time through working so much, and I always regretted it. But Ben was a great kid.

According to Mrs. Bailey, who I gave my number to, he always cried and she could never get him to sleep, but I was having no problem with the little dude. Ben was behind on the curve, and was a little smaller and couldn't talk as much as regular 2 and a half year olds, so Mrs. Bailey asked me to tell her if he says anything more that 'mama' or something to do with a toy or food. I hadn't gotten any texts or calls from anyone, so I hoped Lin told them the situation and they were too busy practicing to call.

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