Chapter 21

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Normal P.O.V

It's been a little over a week since the show.  Everyone had been followed by interviewers and reporters at one time or another, but they were left their personal space at times, which was nice. 

The news of Phillip had hit the news the next day, someone having got ahold of it from the court.   They don't know who, but they weren't surprised.  The public thought it was adorable. 

Alexander was wondering some shops on a side street himself early this morning.

Yes, he knew he shouldn't, but he didn't care.

Alexander had gotten a selfie of George King, tongue out, showing his new black tongue piercing.  His blue hair was all ruffled, and half over his eyes, and he was holding up a peace sign.  George had put back in his black nose and eyebrow wing, and his three studs for his right ear- red, white, and blue, claiming it was the flag of England, but Alexander knew better. 

The best part of the picture was Washington standing in the background, an eyebrow raised, mouth open, sounding like a father about to scold his punk-ass son. 

Alexander laughed, sending back a question of when George will help him re-dye his green, and do the undercut.  The reply was immediate. 

'Now, come over.' Alexander wasn't going to pass that up.

4 hours later, and plenty of texts from John and scolds from Washington, who was there through the whole ordeal, it was done. 

Geroge had cut about an inch up at the base of his head, shaving it down so there was just a little scruff there, and then following it up and around his ears.  Since the green was dark, no one could really see it, Geroge grabbed hair just above the undercut and bleached that, then dyed it a dark green.  It was much more noticeable now. 

While King was finishing up, Alexander sat crossed legged on the table, looking at Washington who was still looking at him as a disapproving father.

"Uhhh, George, can I ask you something?" Washington instantly perked up at the tone of voice Alexander carried.

"Anything, what's on your mind son?"

"Well," It was concerning that he didn't say 'not your son', he knew it was serious.  "If I were to run for President within the Independent Party, would you help with being a campaign manager?" King dropped the broom, making Alexander tense.

"Are..." Washington straightened up.  "You are going to run." It wasn't a question, but Alexander nodded. 

"I already have many things done, and plan to release this to the news soon."  They nodded. 

"I'll do anything you need too little dude," King said, patting the shorter's shoulder.  "Anything at all."

"Me as well, it would be an honor to be your campaign manager and help you in any way you need."  Alexander had tears in his eyes.


"I'm surprised you think we would say no." King faked being hurt.

"Now, get your butt home, keep on working, and make sure John doesn't kill me, or you." King said.  Alex nodded.

"I found these, hopefully, these will make up for it..." Alexander went to his book bag, pulling out 8 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic books, all of which were newer.  "It's turtles, John loved turtles, and comics, and action, so lets hope."

When Alexander got home, John was on him in an instant and Alex handed him the comics.  John just looked at them and fell in love instantly. 

"These look awesome, thanks.  What's the occasion- ALEXANDER HAMILTON!!!!!!" John screeched, making the other 3 run out of the back rooms. 

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