Chapter 8

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Lin P.O.V


I was bouncing up and down backstage, already half in costume. Alex had texted me about a half hour ago telling me that they have arrived, and early so that they don't get caught by the people taking pictures out front.

I was ecstatic, and Alex could tell that I was having a problem with calming down, so he Skyped me. I answered the call, the phone instantly showing Alex and John.

"Hey Lin!"

"Hello Alex, oh my gosh, I am just so excited, I cannot wait!" I yelled, however I caught the attention of Groff and Kail, who made their way over to me.

"Woah Lin, calm down, you're like Alex when he's on 5 Monsters." John stated, laughing. Alex pouted.

"Hey! That was once." Alex pouted.

"You bit me and gave Thomas a black eye!"

"Oh my God Alex, you didn't!?" Kail said, putting his head over my shoulder, looking at Alex and John. "Hey Kail, and yes I did. I kicked him in the eye when he tried to restrain me. It took Laf and Thomas." Alex laughed, being careful to use first names and nicknames since he didn't know who else was listening.

I looked, Groff, Anthony and Daveed were trying to look at who I was talking to. "Alex, what happened after we left?" Kail asked, I nodded, wanting to know as well.

"Well," John took over, Alex smirking guiltily. "After Alex climbed over all of the tables, George was about to murder him. So it took us 10 minutes to catch him and restrain him, Laf and Thomas had to hold him. And it took us two hours to get him home and to bed, only for him to wake up, and trap all four of us on the couch for the night." John finished his story.

"Damn, you guys have a pretty small couch too."

"Alex laid across us, and I was smashed between Alex and Herc, I couldn't breathe!"

"I said sorry." Alex pouted.

"Yes Alex, but breathing IS important." I stated, making him frown more.

"I liked it more before I called you."

"Wow, rude."

"Sorry, John did you hear that, I think something is wrong with my phone." Alex stated, looking at his boyfriend who just snickered. "Come on John, not you too!"

"Well that is weird, we should take it to the shop tomorrow."

"Are you gonna introduce us Lin?" Groff asked.

"Oh hello." Alex said, looking at Jonathan. "Wow, that's low." I muttered.

"I'm sorry, who stole my clothes, my bed and my food, oh that's right, you." He said, trying to be salty, but failing.

"I'm sorry, who buys the food with their money?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is helping out four poor college students that hard?" John asked.

"Yeah, three of you don't stop eating, and then Alex won't eat anything. I swear, you will be the death of us all." I sighed.

"But Jonathan, this is Alex and John, Alex and John, this is Jonathan, Anthony and Daveed." I introduced, even though the duo on the screen knew exactly who they were, they nodded.


"Okay, what was this about Lin stealing your bed?" Groff asked, earning an elbow in the side from me, and snickers from the other three, (Kail was still here). "I know what you are implying, but I'm not sleeping with Alex."

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