Chapter 23

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About A Month Later

Alexander's P.O.V

For the past month, I've been completely buried in my work, ignoring most of everything, and then on top of that, I've gotten maybe a fourth of the sleep and food that I should have in that time. Most of my time has either been spent buried in my laptop, fighting someone on Twitter or at an interview.

The White House has talked to me privately through email about a possible meeting with Trump, however, nothing has been finalized yet.

Today, though was the anniversary of John, Herc, and Laf finally finding me in this life. Well, cornered me, but it's the same thing. I hadn't told them yet, but I set up a reservation at one of the nicest restaurants in the heart of the city for a double date night. I also called Eliza and Mariana to come over with Phillip to keep Lin some company while we are gone. Mariana invited them over to her apartment since we would be coming back later tonight.

I was in our room, sitting on the mat on the floor, Lafayette's snoring from the bed pulling me out of my train-of-thought, looking at the time, which was 4, so it was probably time to round up the boys. I saved my work, plugging in my nearly dead laptop before going to wake up Lafayette.

"Laf? Laf?" I asked, shaking the elder's shoulder, but the other continued to snore. I sighed, Laf could be a heavy sleeper.

"Laf!" I yelled, smothering them with a pillow from the floor, cutting off their air supply until the Frenchman snapped up, glaring at me, while I was giving a guilty smirk.

"Petit lion, tu as une minute pour expliquer pourquoi tu m'as réveillé de mon sommeil de beauté avant de t'attaquer à cet étage." (little lion, you have one minute to explain why you woke me up from my beauty sleep before I tackle you to this floor.)" Laf growled, glaring at me.

"J'ai fait des réservations pour nous, double date. Je pensais que ce serait bien d'avoir une journée pour l'anniversaire de quand j'ai trouvé mes meilleurs amis et mon amant, une fois de plus. (I made reservations for us, double date. Thought it'd be nice to have a day out for the anniversary of when I found my best friends, and lover, once more.) I expained quickly.

"Merde, is that today? I completely forgot, but I'm not surprised that you, my little lion, have remembered. Before we tell the other two, payback!" They shouted at the end, launching out of the bed, pinning me to the floor, using their knees and feet to lock my legs down, and his hands were holding down my arms above my head.

"Let me go you French Baguette!" I whined, trying to pull out of their grip, but Laf was much stronger than I. I struggled, continuing to whine as Laf just laughed at my struggle, then I coughed a couple times, making Laf look worried, pulling away slightly.

"Is it your, uh, asthma mon petit." I shrugged my shoulders or at least tried to. Not like I really could when my arms are pinned down.  My lungs hurt a bit, and I've been neglecting my inhaler.

"I... I haven't been using my inhaler recently."

"Once I get off you petit, you go and do that."  I nodded, but I knew that would be in a few minutes, for The Marquis wouldn't be moving for a bit. 

"What are you two doing?" I instantly recognized the voice as John's, as I turned my head enough to see him and Herc standing in the doorway of the bedroom, looking at us in confusion.

"I woke them up rudely, this is payback," I pouted, looking back at Laf, who was grinning.

"Ah, put our petit lion has made reservations for us all in a celebration of us meeting Alexander in this life, I think he said 'when I found my best friends, and lover, once more.'" John 'awwed' at that and I could feel myself blushing.

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