Chapter 3!- RUN!!

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♡Chapter 3♡

Ebony's POV

-(Two or three days later|The apartment)-

I felt Renée climb into my bed, I didn't bother opening my eyes. I was too tired.

She tickled my nose, I swatted her had away sharply.

"Get lost." I growled, She giggled at this.

"Sorry, I can't take you seriously with that morning voice." She poked my cheek. My morning voice was really faint and soft, and was about as serious as a baby panda.

"You better have an explanation for waking me." I huffed, sitting up.

"Well I got breakfast..." She paused "And a job."

I raised my brow "What did you get?"

"Well, I was walking around and I seen this sign on a café window. It said 'Help wanted', so I tho--" I put my pointer finger to her mouth.

"I meant the food." I sighed, dropping my hand from her lips.

"Oh, thanks." She laughed "I got this breakfast wrap, from McDonalds." I hummed, I was starving.

"Thank you lord, for bringing this beautiful creature to me." I pretended to pray.

"I also went shopping, to stock up the kitchen." She explained, getting off my bed "Your food is on the table." She walked out of my bedroom.

"I hate mornings." I moaned to myself, following her.

I sat at the table, digging in. She joined me.

"This food is immense." She groaned.

"Lets be fat!" We laughed.

"Oh you have an email, from that company.." She grinned.

I'd forgotten about that, I was supprised. It's barely been three days.. I got up and flicked the screen up, reading the email. My food nearly dropped out of my mouth.

"Oh my god... Come see this!" I squeeled, waving her over.

"Nah, I already read it." She laughed, I glared at her. She raised her hands in surrender "I saw who it was from!"

"They are 'Privaledged' to have some one, like me, that has such high qualifictations. They want to see me tomorow!" I gasped.

"You, my friend, are a frekkin' boss!" She smirked.

"I have a job!" I gasped again.

"Wait! You need clothes." We paused to think for a second or two.

"I have some savings? Lets go shopping!" I grinned.


We haled the bags off the counter "Thank you." I smile at the worker.

"So, how do you feel?" She smiled excitedly.

"I'm nervous.." I admitted.

"Don't be, you're cute and fun, They have to love you!" We shared a laugh, crossing the road together.

"I apre--" I was knocked to the ground by a strong figure, obviously male. They stumbled over slightly, before turning to help me up.

"Sorry, love." A firmiliar voice apologised, helping me to my feet "Hey it's the taxi girls!" We all laughed, I knew I recognised him.

"Hello, again." I smiled, while looking to my left, the rest of them stood by us. Panting.

"What's your problem?" Renée chuckled, folding her arms.

"They're celebritys, Renée, they're running from fans." I explained, pointing to a mob that was slowly aproaching us.

"Wait, you know us?" The Irish lad questioned, as if he was shocked.

"Obviously, I'm not a moron." I chuckled.

"Oh." He cocked his head slightly "I thought you'd be one of those girls who live under a rock, not paying attention to music." He chuckled, playing with his lip.

"Just because we aren't hyperventilating, in your presence, dosent mean I'm socially retarded." We all laughed, the mob began to croud around us. Soon, we were separated. I managed to stay with one of the boys, but I'd lost Renée.

"Damn it." I grumbled, pushing through the screaming girls. I clung onto, who I recognised as, Harry? Meh..

"Calm your tits!" I heard Renée yell.

"Renée!" I called "Renée!?" I'd lost her again. I looked at Harry, panic written in my face.

"Lets just get out of here." He shouted over the screaming girls and paparazzi. He was now leading me, I caught a glimpse of one of the boys and grabbed their arm. At first they tried to remove my grip, but noticed it was me soon after.

We got into a bit of open space and I decided to do what was best..


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