Chapter 5!!

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♡Chapter 5♡

Ebony's POV

I collided with him, knocking us both to the ground, we rolled until we eventually hit the curb. The van sped off, as if the driver hadn't even acknowledged the accident he almost caused.

Me and harry were in an embraced position, clinging on for dear life. Our breathing was heavy, and I could barely hear anything but gasps. I kept my eyes clamped shut.

"Move!" I heard Renée yell, she was obviously pushing her way through the crowd.

I forced my eyes open, my vision was slightly blurry but soon adjusted. I took a glance at Harry, letting out a sigh of relief when he sat up next to me.

Liam rushed over helping us both up. Harry and I brushed off our clothes, checking for any injuries. Thankfully we were in one piece. I looked around.

I hadn't realized it but when I was running up to Harry I'd thrown my bags. They were on the floor, some clothes hanging out, not too badly damaged. I picked the four bags up, one had a tear but that was all.

"Are you guys okay?" Renée questioned in a concerned tone, placing her hands on each of my shoulders. I nodded meekly.

"Lets get outta' here." Niall suggested "Our van should be waiting over there." He pointed to a black van, some body guards approached us.

"About bloody time!" Harry huffed. The guards brushed him off, leading us through the worried crowd.


We came to a halt, on the ride to our apartment we'd shared our numbers. Harry was consistently thanking me. I'm not exactly used to being a 'hero', but I don't want to think of what may of happened if I hadn't have seen the van.

We climbed out, saying our farewells. Once we entered our apartment, I headed for my bedroom. Collapsing onto my bed dramatically, and closing my eyes. Maybe just a nap?

Moaning when my phone beeped, I read the new message I'd received

From Harold:

I owe you. What's your favorite ice cream, movie and sweets?

I laughed, typing back a response.

To Harold:

Cookie dough or Chocolate fudge- Only Ben&Jerry's! Movie... Mean Girls. Sweets? Those blue and red fizzy cola-bottles!

He replied, almost instantly.

From Harold:

Alrighty! Are you home?

I raised my brow.

To Harold:

Obviously, you dropped me off like twenty minutes ago.

It feels like I literally just closed my eyes, it couldn't be more than twenty minutes. Just a quick nap.

From Harold:

That was two hours ago.. Is your clock broken?


To Harold:

No, my clocks perfectly fine. I fell asleep ;)

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Some makeup smeared on my hand.

From Harold:

Ha, I'll be there in two hours?

That would give me enough time to have a quick wash, that reminds me! The interview is tomorrow. I guess all the drama made me forget..

To Harold:


I pushed myself off the comfort of my bed, leaving some creases in the covers. I waddled into my bathroom,which was connected to my bedroom. I stared at the shower, Renée turned it on for me the first couple of times we used it, It was like the machines in a UFO! I turned a leaver and it turned on.

I cheered, before removing my clothed and jumping in. The water was relaxing, I could get lost in thought but I had a time limit.

Once I was finished I stepped out, the whole room was steamy. I brushed the comb lightly through my hair & done the usual routine. Once I was ready the doorbell rang, I rushed over to my bed and threw some of the dirty clothes into my wash basket.

"It's open." I called, but no-one entered. I frowned in confusion, walking towards the door and peaking into the peep-hole. They had their back to me, their arms folded, too short to be Harry, obviously female. I opened to door.

They span around.

"Uh can I help you?" I asked rudely.

"I'm Taylor." She explained, ignoring the rude tone.

"I know who you are." I folded my arms sassily "Can I ask how you found my house?" She was here about Harry, I'm not a moron. Well, it's that or she wants to write a song about me.

"I'm here to warn you abo--" I interrupted her, holding my hand up.

"Harry Styles?" I smirked. Like I said; I'm not a moron. I know what she wants to 'warn' me about "I've barely known Harry long enough to be in a relationship, and plus I get enough 'advice' from your songs." Her jaw dropped.

"Excuse me?" She scoffed.

"Oh dry your eyes princess." I rolled my eyes, attempting to shut it door but she shoved her food through the gap "Move your stinky feet out of my apartment, before I move it for you." I growled through my teeth.

"Try me." She smirked, she was brave. I opened the door fully before slamming it, she moved just in time. I heard her gasp and I soon listened to her heals clicking down the hall. I rushed out onto the balcony, leaning out.

I watched as she stomped over to a car, slamming the door after she got in. I laughed at her immaturity. When she sped off I began to go back inside. Not long after, the door went off again.

I opened the door "Thank god you aren't one of your ex-girlfriends!" I joked, allowing Harry in.

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