Carlos Imagine

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You and Carlos were shopping in Hollister for a birthday present for your Best Friend, (Y/BF/N).

"How about this shirt?" You ask Carlos while holding up a Black and Red shirt.

"I guess but what about these shorts?" He asked and pointed to the shorts.

"Or how about... Both?" You ask with a huge smile on your face. It was a perfect and cute outfit.

"Sure. You should know what she likes, right?" He questioned with a laugh.

You rolled your eyes and smiled. "Yea... This is perfect." You started to walk to the cashier but Carlos grabbed your hand.

"Do you want something?" He asked while pointing to some jackets and shirts on the hangers.

"It's gonna be very expensive Carlos" You said to him and continued to walk but he stopped you again.

"Expensive!? Once on tour, me and the guys bought TVs for no reason. This is nothing!" He explained.

I laughed at his small story but it was true.

"Remember the day I met you?" He continued. You nod your head and remember the memories and the happines. "Well that day, I promised you that I would do anything and everything for you to make you happy. You just have to point to something and I'll get it for you (Y/N). And don't think I'm wasting my money like you always do, okay?" He explained.

"Carlos... Thanks. I love you so much." You hugged him.

"I love you too." He said and kissed your forehead.

For the rest of the day, you shopped and did everything... Hand-in-Hand.

Hope u like it :)

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