James Imagine

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You were at the mall with your friends and they kept looking for cute boys. It was kind of annoying when they said a guy would be perfect for you.

"Guys, For the last time ever, I won't find any one here!" You said again.

"Come on, I mean, There's gotta be at least one person who would understand... You." (Y/F/N) said and motioned her hand to you.

You rolled you'd eyes but they stopped rolling when you saw a tall, Strong, Handsome guy looking at you. He was with three other guys and they kept whispering stuff to him then looking at you.

James POV

"Dude, just go up to her." Carlos instructed.

"It's not that easy Carlos. You should know that." I said and looked at the beautiful girl.

She glanced at me but I turned away.

"Look! She's looking at you! Now's your chance James!" Logan quickly said and pushed me to the girl before I could protest.

Your POV

"Oh! A boys coming here!" Your other friend, (Y/F/N) said.

"H-hi." The guy smiled as he stumbled in front of me.

"Hi." I simply said trying to keep me cool

"Uh I Uh I'm James." He said and stuck out his hand

I gladly shook it and said, "I'm (Y/N)."

"You wanna hang out? It's not only me though." He asked and pointed to the three guys.

"Uh one sec." I said and ran to my friends.

"Guys! I'll call you later. He wants to hang out with me!" I excitedly said.

They all smiled and shoved me back to James.

We hung out for a while. He dropped me home and gave me his number. We talked that night and he asked me out the next day.

I hope u like this I tried my best and now I'm getting inspirations from other imagine writers and stuff.

Check out my Instagram : @Rushomie_foreverz

It's got things on Austin Malone too cause I literally JUST made it for Austin Malone too.

Rushes Rule!!!! ☺

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