Kendall Imagine

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Today was the day! It was the day that you met Big Time Rush! You entered a little contest last month and you were the lucky winner. Well, Along with two other girls your age.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this is really gonna happen!" You exclaimed in your bedroom. You got out of bed and went straight to your closet. You picked out an over sized sweatshirt and skinny jeans.

You rushed into the bathroom and took a shower, Brushed your teeth, and finished up.

You got ready then blow dried your hair. Then put it in a messy bun once it was dry. You went into the kitchen and ate breakfast.

"Ready (Y/N)?" Your head asked you.

You just nodded and ran out the door with your keys and phone.

You drove to the place where they could secretely meet you. You got inside and looked around.

"Hi, I'm (Y/F/N)." You said to the security. You took out your phone and showed them your email that you got from management.

"Go inside then turn right." The man said bluntly.

You walked in and couldn't keep a smile off your face. Then there they were. Standing there with their perfect faces.

"Hi. I'm Kendall." Kendall said and shook your hand.

"I know." You smiled. "I mean Hi! I'm (Y/N). I love you guys so much and its such an honor to finally meet you."

"Haha well come on then." Kendall chuckled.

He led you to Logan, James, And Carlos.

"Hey!" They all greeted.

You said your name.

"That's a beautiful Name." James said and kissed your hand. You blushed like crazy.

The two other girls walked in wearing a crop tops or seriously short shorts. You felt so embarrassed.

After and hour or two of talking to them and having the time of your life, It was time to go. :(

Everyone was walking out but Kendall stoped you.

"One sec." He whispered and gave you a note. Then kissed your cheek and left with a wave.

You opened the paper and read:

It was such a great day to just hang out, wasn't it? Well, I just wanna say that you were so beautiful and I was glad you didn't wear something like the other girls. Call me :) xxx - Kendall

Then you saw his number on the bottom. You were so thrilled!

You got back to your apartment and texted him immediately. it was like he was waiting for you because he texted back right away.

Just a text that said "Hi" turned into a long lasting love.


hope u like this one

sorry about not updating...

I will from now on :)

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