Kendall Imagine

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I was in mine and Kendall's shared bedroom texting my friend. Suddenly I heard the beautiful sound of a Guitar and some laughing. I went downstairs to see what was going on.

"So you put your fingers right here and strum right here." I heard Kendall say.

"Okay!" I heard my son, (Y/S/N), Say.

(Y/S/N) started playing the guitar but still wasn't completley skiled.

"Good Start. Try again." Kendall laughed.

I leaned on the wall to watch the scene.

"Hey mommy! Come here." (Y/S/N) say.

He must have seen me watching them.

"Yea, Come sit and watch (Y/S/N) play the fuitar like a little pro." Kendall said.

I smiled and sat down next to Kendall.

"Mommy, do you know how to play?" (Y/S/N) asked.

"Well, Your daddy tought me a few things too." I answered.

(Y/S/N) handed me thw guitar and said, "Can you play for me?"

"Of course I can." I said and started playing.

"Your a natural (Y/S)." Kendall said.

"I learned from the best." I say and he leans in and kisses me.

"Mommy! Daddy! I'm right here!" (Y/S/N) exclaims and blocks his eyes.

You and Kendall laugh at your son. You pick him up and place him on your lap.

"Do you want a kiss?" You ask him.

"Sure!" Kendall says.

"Not you!" I say to Kendall.

I kiss (Y/S/N)'s Cheek.

"Mommy I'm a big boy now and big boys don't need kisses from girls." He says.

"Oh but we do (Y/S/N)." Kendall says to your son.

You smile at Kendall. You son sighs and walks back to the Guitar. He picks it up and trys to play it again.

Your family was perfect... ♡

Hope u like this one :)

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