Logan Imagine

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You were at your locker and getting books out. Suddenly, Someone comes up to you and leans againt the other lockers.

"Hey (Y/N)." Said your crush, Logan Henderson. He was so hot and had the most amazing smile. Perfect chocolate brown hair.

"Hi Logan." You smile and close your locker.

"So um I was in math yesterday and I knda failed the test. And since you got an A, I was just thinking if you could tutor me." He nervously explained. He kept rubbing his neck and looking at his shoes.

"I would love to Logan. I mean, sure I can tutor you." You quickly said.

"Great! How about after school at my place?"

"Sounds good." I smiled and he did the same.

          ~After School~

"Hey, Lets get going." Logan exclaimed.

"Okay." I laughed at his anxiousness.

We got to his house in about ten minutes.

"Logan, Who's this?" Logan's mother asked as you two stepped inside his big house.

"Oh! This is (Y/N), She's gonna tutor me." He answered.

"Hi, Nice to meet you." I said and held out my hand for her to shake.

She smiled and shook my hand. Logan watched as me and his mom were getting along.

"Come on." Logan rushed me to his room. The room had a desk in the corner with books, papers, pens, and pencils.

~A little later after studying~

"So you carry that two up here. Its not that hard." I explained the math problem.

"You make it look so easy." Logan said and looked up at me.

"Haha, That's because I practiced." I laughed. He looked back at the work and sighed. "How about a little break?"

"Yes!" He jumped up from his chair and I giggled. "Your so pretty and smart." He said out of nowhere and then quickly put his hand over his mouth.

"Thanks." I blushed.

We talked about usual things like school, Family, And turns out that we had so much in common.

"So you almost fell into the River?" I asked and held my stomach cause we laughed so much.

"Yea cause my brother pushed me in." He defended. "I wouldn't be so stupid to just jump in myself."

"Logan, Its getting late. I should get going." I said and grabbed my bag.

"Okay." He said a little dissapointed. "But we sgould do this again sometime. You know, Not study. Just talk."

"We should." I chuckled.

"Wait! You have something on your cheek." He said and came up to me. He rubbed his thumb across my cheek slowly. His eyes were piercing into mine. I didn't even notice that he was leaning in.

Our lips met and it felt so right.

"Will you go out with me sometime?" Logan asked as he pulled away.

"I would love to." I whispered and he smiled. He leaned in again for another kiss.

Lets just say, That wasn't your last kiss.

Hope u liked it :)

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