James Imagine for R5getsLOUDER

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"Jordan, Wait! Let me explain. Please!" James yelled as you walked to the front door.

"James! No, I can't believe you had the nerve to kiss Halston! I thought I could trust you." I said and walked out with my purse and phone.

"I didn't mean it!" I heard James yell while the door slammed shut.

"I can't believe this." I whispered to myself.

I thought I could trust James but I guess not. I cried while I walked. I didn't even care or know where I was going. I just can't be next to James. I walked into a park. It was dark and all the stars were twinkling everywhere.

Why would he do this to me?

Did he even love me?

Why? Why? Why? Why?

These thoughts ran through your head and I couldn't focus on anything but James.

He may not love me but I love him.

Suddenly, I heard a guitar strumming and turned around. There I saw Kendall playing to "Nothing Even Matters".

Then James was heard and I saw him sing in front of me.

When The song finished, James did something that was not even expected.

He got down on one knee and I knew what he was about to do.

"Jordan, I did the most idiotic thing that any man could do and I regret all of it. But I love you and only you. I'm so so so sorry it. I will never to anything so stupid ever again. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just wanna say that I wanna wake up and go to sleep next to you all the time. I want you to be only mine and nobody elses. Once I again I love you and only you. Jordan, will you please please please make me the most happiest man and Marry me?" He said and pulled out a beautiful big Diamond ring.

All I could do was cry. I couldn't even move.

"Y-Yes James." I managed to choke out.

He slipped on the ring and kissed me passionately.

Kendall stood there with his hand on his chest and stared at us.

"I love you so much Jordan and I am so stupid for what I did and I will try to make it up to you as long as I live." James said as We pulled away.

"I love you too James, Forever and Always." I say and hug him.

That was the start of the most beautifulest (if thats a word) relationship ever. You and James kept the promise and Loved each other Forever and always. :')

My own Imagine made me cry. Wow. I hope you like it Jordan. This is my first request and honestly, I was listening to Nothing Even Matters. Enjoy :)

*Still taking requests* :)

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