Carlos Imagine

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You were on the living room rug. Just sitting there waiting for Carlos to come back from tour. He was comig back in THREE MONTHS!

I can't just sit here for three months straight.

I got up and went to my phone that was sitting on the Kitchen counter. I took it and went on twitter.

(Y/N) is so fat! Our little Carlos is pretty much dating an overweight whale!

I think (Y/N) should cut down on the sweets and fast foods. Or maybe not eat at all.

What does (Y/N) devour that makes her so wide???

I rushed over to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. The fans were right... I am fat.

Me and Carlos did go out for Pizza with the guys before he left a few weeks ago.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a sweater. It was Carlos'.

I went back to the living room and grabbed my phone.

Thanks for telling me that I need to loose a bunch of weight cause your right...

I sent the tweet and immediately remembered that Carlos reads his tweets between every show for good luck.


I went back to twitter to delete it but I got a call from Carlos.

"Hello?" I shakily Said.

Was I about to cry?

"(Y/N)!!!! You don't need to loose any weight and your not fat! Why would you listen to the haters?" He asked/yelled a little dissapointed In me.

"I-I-I don't know Carlos. I really don't know. But thanks, I wont do something crazy." I said.

"Good. I'll call you after the show. I love you and miss you."

"Love you and and miss you too. Bye." And with that, I hung up.

I couldn't listen to Carlos. Just this once.

              ~3 Months later~

"Babe! I'm home!" Carlos exclaimed as he walked into the house.

"Carlos!" I exclaimed back as I ran down the stairs. I tripped on my own feet and fell. "Owwww."

"Babe! Are you-" He stopped mid sentence. "Did you stop eating? Why? I told you not to!"

"Carlos! I couldn't stop thinking about your feelings toward you dating... Me." I said.

"Oh my god. Seriously!? Your perfect and beautiful (Y/N). Please stop." He whispered.

"Okay, I guess. Thanks again." I mumbled.

Carlos took me to the hospital and the doctor said I needed to eat more.


Carlos helped you get more energy inside me and I felt so much more better.

"I love you." Carlos said as hugged me.

"Me too."

Hope u like this one :)

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