Kendall Imagine for Kendallsangelwwheels

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Kendall's POV

I was so tired because of Big Time Rush AND Heffron Drive! The tours, Recording, Going to the studio everyday was all too much. I just wanted to get it off my chest so I called James.

"Hey dude, You wanna take some shots tonight?" I asked in a tired way. James said yes and I hung up. I would've asked Jennifer but I don't wanna tell her all my problems!

Your POV

I got home from work and didn't see Kendall anywhere.

He must've went out

I sighed and called my friend, Rebecca.

"Hey, You wanna hang out tonight? Ya know just catch up." I asked. She agreed and I got ready.

Me And Rebecca got drunk and had a bunch of fun together. But I still heard nothing from Kendall and i got a little worried. I went home and saw Kendall asleep on the couch.

"Awwww." I said queitly. Suddenly, Kendall's eyes opened and he smiled when he saw me. He got up and helped me off my wheel chair. He snuggled my close next to him on the couch and we both fell asleep like that.

Next Morning

I woke up and saw that Kendall wasn't next to me.

"Kendall!" I tried to yell but since I just woke up, Failed!

"I'm in the Kitchen, Making breakfast, I'll be right there." He yelled back from the kitchen. I smiled and closed my eyes for a slight second.

Kendall came to the living room and set the tray on the table.

"What happened last night?" I asked. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I was just too tired from The bands." He said. I nodded and he asked the same question.

"I was tired from work so I went out with a friend." I answered. We both began breakfast spent the day together.

Hope u liked it :)

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