Kendall Imagine

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"We are gonna be uncles!" Logan exclaimed and jumped up and down. Today, You went into labor and the boys were so excited. Especially Logan because he always wanted to be an uncle and its happening. "Oh! I can teach him to skateboard and get the ladies and-"

"Logan! Calm down dude. The little boy's coming into the world as a newborn. Its gonna take time." James said with a wide smile.

"I know but... We're gonna be uncles!" Logan sang and clapped his hands.

"So Kendall, How're you feeling?" Carlos asked and put his hand on Kendall's shoulder behind him.

"Seriously happy just to be a dad." Kendall grinned and imagined all the little things he will be doing with the boy.

"So I have a question." Logan interrupted. "Why aren't you guys excited about being... Uncles?" He asked. Logan loved the sound of that word too much.

"We are but we're not going crazy like you." James pointed out.

Just then, The doctor came out of the room. Kendall and the guys immediately rushed over to him.

"Doctor? What happened?" Kendall asked him.

"Are we uncles???" Logan asked and looked at the doctor straight in the eyes.

"Well, The Baby boy is normal and healthy but I have some other news." The doctor said.

"What?" Carlos questioned. Kendall looked a little scared at first.

"You had Twins Mr.Schmidt." He smiled. "You can go in and see the two boys right now if you want to."

Logan squealed in joy and ran into the room. Kendall gasped and followed Logan.

"Logan! Careful." Kendall Whispered but enough so that Logan would hear.

They all went to the twins first and admired them. Kendall and Logan came up to you but as soon as Kendall opened his mouth, Logan stepped in.

"(Y/N)?" Logan said and had a few tears in his eyes.

"Yes Logan?" You asked. It was so sweet that he was crying a bit.

"Thank you." He simply answered.

"For what?"

"For making me an Uncle!" He said and went back over to the babies.

"Oh my God." Kendall whispered and shook his head as he watched Logan walk back. "Anyways, How are you Baby?"

"I'm fine." You giggled. Kendall leaned down and pecked your lips.

"I love you so much (Y/N)."

"I love you too Kendall." You said back to him.

Logan was so happy! James and Carlos ended up giving the middle names and Kendall let Logan name one of them. After all, He wanted to name one himself. :)

Hope u liked it Rushers :) I tried my best :)


I'm making another one right away cause I'm really in the mood :)

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