Logan Imagine

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Ever since you started dating Logan, You were obviously getting hate. Some Rushers liked you and some of then just eanted you to get lost.

Some of the tweets were just too harsh :

Why is Logan dating just a fat and wide person?

(Y/N) is not worth Logan's time! They should just break up.

Get out of Logan's life, he doesn't even love you.

You didn't even notice you were crying.

Good thing Logan was at work.

"Oh my god! Baby, why are you crying?" I heard someone's worried voice. It was Logan.

"I'm not crying." You say and wipe your tears.

"Just tell me whats wrong (Y/N)." Logan said and sat down next to you.

"Well, I don't wanna get you worried but sone fans have been giving me a lot hate." You explain and new tears fall from your eyes.

"Oh Baby. Wait just one second." Logan said and stood up then left into our bedroom.

A few minutes later your phone lit up. You went on twitter and saw new tweets from all the guys and even Alexa.

Tweets :

Logan : Guys, I love @Y/T/N so much and you have no right to talk bad about her. Stop hating her! If you were real Rushers, You wouldn't be so harsh. #stophating

James : Please stop hating on @Y/T/N. She is just perfect and you guys don't see that. #Y/Nisperfect

Carlos : You "Fans" are just out of control with all the negative comments and hate. Just stop it! You are not real Rushers. #Loganandy/n

Kendall : Guys! @Y/T/N is like a sister to me and it kills me to see her so sad cause of you guys. Just stop. Thanks for the Rushers who love her :)

Alexa : @Y/T/N is an amazing friend to the guys and me. And an even better girlfriend to Logan. She makes him Happy! Isn't that what you want? #Y/Nisperfect

You were so happy that you jumped up and ran to Logan. I hugged him like my life depended on it.

"Thank you Logie Bear!" I say.

"Anything for my Princess." Logan hugged back and kissed me.

I hope you like this one. :) :) :)

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