James Imagine for BTRsMaslover

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I was studying for my Exams that were next week.

"Okay I got that one." I said to myself.

Just then I got a text from James.

From : James <3<3<3

Hey... I'm coming.

Love u Tara ;)

I replied with a Simple 'Okay'. I sighed and looked back at my books.

Suddenly, The door flew open and revealed James.

"Hey Babe!" He greeted and hugged me.

"Hey James." I say while flipping the pages in my book.

"What are you doing?" James asked.

"I'm skateboarding." I answer his obvious question.

"Well You don't have to be so mean." James said queitly.

"James, I'm sorry. Its just that I have been studying all day and I got most of it done and-" I got cut off by James' lips on mine.

I didn't pull away Cause he was all I needed.

"How about I help you study?" James asked as he pulled away.

"I don't know..." I thought about it.

"Come on please. You know you wanna say Yes." He told.

"Fine." I simply answered and gave him a heavy book. "Flip to page 622 and give me the practice questions."

"Alrighty then. Here we go, How was John F. Kennedy assasinated?" He asked.

"He got shot while he was in a car." I answered.

We finished History and went to Chemistry.

"Oh! Lets make our own chemistry." James said and Came closer.

"Don't even start it Maslow." I laughed and he gave up.

For the rest of the day we studied and James learned a few more things too.

You passed the test and James was so proud of you. He took you out on a magical date.

I learned that I shouldn't study alone... I should study with James.

Well, BTRsMaslover, I hope u like this Imagine. Ur name is Tara right cause I went on ur Wattpad page and it said Tara Maslow so I just thought... Ya know :)

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