Chapter 1: Nightmares

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(Ciel's P.O.V)

"No!" I shouted as sat straight up in bed, my face slick with cold sweat. My heart was beating like a jackhammer and my royal blue eyes were drawn wide. I ran my fingers through my blue--gray hair as they caught on every knot possible. Another nightmare. Fabulous. Except this one was...different. I was in a dark cell, the dark brick walls caked with blood and other bodily fluids. I was in that same cell thst those filthy pigs ravished me. I looked around and found the cell door. Thats when I heard footsteps. "Hello?" I said. The footsteps got closer and a figure appeared in front of my door. Smooth pale skin, ink black hair, and hypnotic crimson eyes. "Sebastian!" I shouted, as my eyes lit up. He opened the door and I ran into him, clawing at his clothes. "Sebastian we need to go!" I exclaimed as he looked down on him. "Hurry before they get back!" His lips curled into a soft smile and he nodded slowly. Just before he could turn around he froze. "Seba-" before I could finish a sharp knife went right through his chest. His eyes went wide as he fell back. My breath hitched in my throat as I ran towards him. I straddled him gently and shook his shoulders. "No! Sebastian Please!" I cried. "You can't leave me! I dont want to be alone! Please!" The life has already left his eyes as my tears clouded my eyes and landed on his shirt. I didn't want this. I didnt want to be alone. I didnt want to be without him. "Please," I whispered. "I love you." My thoughts were interrupted as my door slammed open. "Bocchan," Sebastian said. My mind was stuck in between running up to him or just breaking out in tears. He was at my bedside in a matter of seconds, the bed shifting under his weight. "I-I...," I stuttered. His face was just inches away from mine. Sebastian's usually cold look was replaced with one of genuine concern. "Young Master, your crying, " he said wiping the tears off my cheek. I reached up and touched my cheek to feel the moist skin. "Oh," I said softly. I wanted to slap his hand away, saving the rest of my pride. But when I looked up into Sebastian's eyes, all I could see was those sad lifeless eyes in my dream. My vision began to blur as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his torso and began to cry into his chest. "Y-young Master?" he asked. "I-I thought you were dead!" I sobbed.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

I looked down at the small sobbing boy in my arms. He thought I was dead? Seeing him like this just broke my heart. Words can't describe how much I love him but he would never feel the same. And who would blame him? I'm going to take his soul. I dont even think I can. Wait, why was he crying if he thought I was dead? Shouldn't he be happy? A loud sob jerked me out of my thoughts. I wrapped my arms around his slim figure. One hand stroked his back while the other ran through his hair. "Shh," I said, trying to calm him down. "I'm here now." His body was shaking violently in my arms. After a few minutes my soothing words were finally able to calm him down to the point where he finally stopped. Wow, I'm really good at this, he actually stopped. It kinda sounds like he stopped breathing. Wait, what?! I pulled him away from me to see his clouds eyes look up at me. I sighed with relief. I smiled and looked down at him. "Well have a good night Bocchan," I said, kissing his forehead softly. I scooted off the bed and just as my feet hit the floor I felt him tug on one of the tails of my coat. "Please don't leave me," he whispered. It wasn't an order, it was a request. I smiled softly and nodded, kicking my shoes off and removing my tail coat and vest. I then lifted the covers and shuffled under them, joining him in the bed. He immediately cuddled into my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but grin at how cute he looked. I wrapped my strong arms around his thin frame and rested my chin on his head. "Don't worry," I said. "I'm not going anywhere."

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