Chapter 18: Complications

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Sebastian: *tackles* I missed you sooooooooooo much!!!

Me: *gasp* Y-Your...c-choking...m-me

Kira: Move dipshit she has an announcement to make!!

Sebastian: *pouts,  letting me go*

Me: Aww dont call him a dipshit.

Ciel: *pokes head through the door* Uhh were running out of time.

Me: Okay, okay God. Your so needy. Okay sooooo how do I say this in the calmest way possible.....I'm going on another vacation.

Kira:....*walks out*

Me: *laughs nervously* Yeah. I'll be gone from June tomorrow to June 25th. I'm headin to Texas(Tehas) to visit a frand. I am so sorry lovlies but hey, im a busy girl. I'll still be able to rp and kik and message and shit so chill. If you wanna talk to me to fill some void in your heart, do it because I'm okay with it XD. Oh and I drew the fear pictures and posted them on my Instagram @Shy_and_Dye.  So check it out and if you want me to draw you something, just...just text me.

Sebastian: *sniffling* So...this chapters gonna be pretty...s-sad I think...its pretty c-complicated and shit, like my feelings.

Me: Aww don't cry. You guys just read or some shit and I'll fuck Sebby. Good? Good.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I held Ciel's face in my hands. I wanted to hear what he had to say. Had I hurt him? That was my biggest fear. Had I been to rough? Had he not enjoyed it? My worrying was getting the best of me and I hand even noticed I was shaking.

   Ciel finally managed to calm down enough to speak. "Sebastian, as much as I want things to be perfect and alright for us," he began. "When I got the potion for you, I promised Claude my soul. Which means he has it." He began to tear up again.

   "I-I'm sorry Sebastian, " he said, choking a sob. "I-I know you were looking forward to the perfect soul, b-but now--" I cut him off with a quick kiss. "Ciel,"I said, tilting his head up to look at me as I gave him a soft smile.

   "Its not about your soul to me anymore. Its for your heart. I cant bear to live without you and the thought that Claude is going to take you away from me." I bit my lip to hold back a growl. "It devestates me," I finished.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   Sebastian's eyes shone with pain and heartache as he stared at me. His large ungloved hand came up and cupped my cheek. "Im not going to let him take you away," he vowed. "Despite the complications, I will do everything possible to kill that spider once and for all."

   I smiled, watching as the pain floated away from his eyes and was replaced my true and utter love. "You would do all that for me?" I asked quietly. Sebastian smiled brightly at me. "Of course I would Ciel," he leaned in and placed a small kiss on my nose. "I love you, Ciel."

   I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzles into his chest. "I love you too, Sebastian. " I heard him smile kindly and he softly layed down on his back, wrapping his arms around me so we could cuddle for the rest of the night.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I awoke for the second time in my life with Ciel's tiny body on top of me; curled into a small ball, purring softly. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen in the history of ever. I wanted to tear my eyes out and lock them away because nothing else would be worthy enough to behold than this sight before me.

(A/N: Talk about poetic. Hive five, me.)

   I smiled brightly to myself and tried to steady my breathing so I wouldn't wake him. Sadly, my body did the exact opposite, and my heart began to thump excitedly. Apparently, sleepy Ciel found this annoying and proceeded to cutely scratch at my chest as he readjusted his position.

   The extremely cute sight before me made me have to hold back a squeal of utter fangirlness for not to wake him. I bit the inside of my mouth to hold back my outbursts and resulted in calmly petting Ciel's head to contain my joy and over excitement.

~Three hours later~

   Sadly, my short (A/N: Short my ass) time period of cuteness ended when Ciel woke up. I sighed unhappily as he began to stretch and slowly but surely awaken. "Mm Sebastian, " he said groggily. "What time is it?" I looked down at my chest to see him rubbing his eyes while sitting on my chest.

   "Eleven O'clock Bocchan," I replied calmly. He suddenly fell off the bed in a very ungraceful manor. "Eleven O'clock?!" he exclaimed. I nodded picking him off the floor and holding him against my bare chest.

   "Why did you wake me up 3 hours late?!" I thought for a moment. I couldn't exactly say 'Because I was staring at your adorableness while you slept' That would be really creepy. "Well Bocchan," I began. "We were up very late last night partaking in various 'activities' and I thought you needed the extra 3 hours."

   Technically, it wasn't lying. Ciel sighed before nodding. "Yes, yes, of course," he agreed. "Now," I said, placing him on the bed and dressing him quickly with my demon speed. "I shall go prepare your breakfast, so you may proceed with your day." He nodded before looking up at me longingly. "Where's my good morning kiss?" he said, pouting.

   I smiled before bending down and placing a kiss on his soft lips. Ciel smiled into the kiss and I heard his soft whimper when I was forced to break the kiss. I smirked before petting his head. "I'll be back soon Bocchan," I said before exiting the room. I cooked breakfast fairly fast and wheeled the cart into Ciel's room.

   "Bocchan?" I asked, knocking on the door. Silence. "Ciel?" I asked, a bit alarmed. I barged into the room to see it empty. The window was wild open, the curtains flowing in the wind. I narrowed my eyes and walked to the window. I looked into the corner too see a spider web, a small spider crawl in over it. I gently grabbed the spider in my index finger and thumb before crushing it gruesomely. My lips curled into a smirk as I looked out the window. Right on time.

Me: Dat cliff hanger doe!!


Me: T-Thats not...*pinches the bridge of my nose before exhaling*


Me: Yo. Okay so I found a new way to get followers!

Ciel: Write better?


Ciel: Ah! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!

Me: Better. So I've decided to guilt the reader into following me. *tears up* W-Why d-do I-I h-have 6.8K reads, *starts crying* B-But...n-not 6-6.8K f-followers!?

Kira: *on my knees sobbing* WHY?!? GOD IN THE SKY PLEASE TELL ME WHY?! WHY!!!!

Me: *sobbing* WHY MUST THE GOOD DIE YOUNG?! *pulls myself together* And,  scene.

Sebastian: *clapping* Beautiful!

Me: I know. Im fabulous. Sooooooo take a look at my new buds @nekociel0724, @blackbutler101, and last but certainly not least @CielxSebastian13. They have great works and check out my especially handsome frand @Sebastiankun. But dont follow him. He has enough god damn followers.


Me: NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU!!!! *clears throat* Anyways, love you lovlies! Thanks so freaking much for the 6.8K. I never thought I'd get this much support from all you guys. Your all super special and I'll miss you all! Except you right there. Yeah you. I never liked you. Bitch. Love you guys ♡ and, of course, Stay fabulous lovlies.

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