Chapter 10: Antidote

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Me: Well look who decided to show up. How did you guys like the chapter?

Ciel: It was terrible. *bursts out in tears* Oh Sebastian!!!

Me: Shut up cry baby, I'm introducing a chapter. Anyways, don't worry things shall be fine for my Sebby and--

It: Um, excuse me, I come in this chapter right?


It: Okay!!! *leaves*

Me: *pinches nose* Son of a bi-

Ciel: *sobbing* Oh my dear Sebastian!

Me: Okay can you shut your tiny mouth for like two days? K thanks. *clears throat* Anyways, love you lovlies for your fabulous comments, votes, and follows (hint hint) and I has a thingy!! If any of you guys have a specfabulous idea for the next chappie just... just text me. Message me with your idea and ill be sure to take all the credit. Jk ill mention your sorry ass. And remember kids, Its not illegal if you don't get caught.

It: Um, so now that Sebastians out of the picture maybe you would like to go out sometime and we could--

Me: *Ciel dragging me away* I will fucking kill you. I will fucking kill you.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I looked around to find myself in a dark room. I tried to move around but found my hands cuffed to the wall. Then I heard my name. "Sebastian!" Someone cried. "Sebastian please!" There it was again. And then it hit me. It was Ciel. I began pulling at my restraints, but they wouldn't budge.

   I cursed silently and saw a bright light in the corner of my eye. I looked up to see the room now illuminated by a small candle, and there was my little love, in the corner. I released a breath I didnt know I was holding and looked back up to see my little Ciel getting up. He smiled.

   "Sebastian! Thank God your oka--" He was cut off by a tall man who suddenly appeared in front of him. He backed up shakily. "Ciel!" I cried but it was too late. I heard the sickening sound of a knife going right through his body. I growled angrily.

   "Who are you?" I snarled. The man smiled and turned around. I stopped breathing. "Why silly," the raven-haired man said. He smirked his trademark smirk. "I'm you."

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I was still standing in the front door. I refused to go anywhere with this psychopath. "I need your help," I breathed. Claude narrowed his eyes. "With what?" he asked. I sighed and told him the story. I couldn't really tell if he was listening since he didnt have a thinking face, or a bored face, or a face face.

   When I finished his face remained still but his eyes were glowing evily. "I'll give you the antidote," Claude said. I jumped up and down happily. "Really?!" I exclaimed. He put up two fingers.

   "On two conditions." I froze. Always a catch. "What conditions?" I asked. Now he smirked. I backed away in fear. He held up his index finger. "First, you have to sleep with me." I gulped. He held up a second finger. "And lastly I want," He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

   My eyes widened. "B-But, Sebastian..." I began. He smirked again. "Once you make the deal, it becomes in my possession," he said. "So is it a deal?" Claude extended his hand. I crossed my arms and stared at the floor. I knew the prices were high, but it was the only way to save Sebastian. And I would do anything for Sebastian.

   I sighed in defeat and shook his hand. "Its a deal," I said sadly. "I'll do what you want and you give me the antidote." He suddenly grabbed my arm and took me inside. "Master Alois is on business with the triplets and Hannah so its just you and me," he said menacingly.

   We got to his bedroom and I gulped. Its not like this is the first time I've been raped, but its the first time I've been raped by a demon. I felt my eyes water. Sebastian was supposed to be the one I would do this with. He would still but, he would be mad that I gave myself over to Claude.

   I sighed shakily, but I have to do it. For him. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice he had already undressed me. "W-Wait, can't I just--" I started. He pushed be against the bed and pulled me into a harsh kiss. I gagged on his tongue as it ran down my throat and felt a tear stream down my cheek, knowing this was only the beginning.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   "No!" I shouted as I awoke with a start. I was panting and I had a splitting headache. "Ciel are you--" I looked around and sighed sadly. Thats right. Demonic Integration. I looked back at my body and gasped. I was getting worst

   My body was already deteriorating and fast. Ciel probably went to get an antidote or something. That means I need a plan. I remained in my cross-legged position for about an hour before I got an idea.

   The only demons Ciel knows are the Trancy demons which means Claude. I growled at the mere thought but continued thinking. As much as it would hurt Ciel I couldnt act like the potion worked. I had to play dead. I rolled my eyes at the irony.

   Suddenly the door opened and in came Ciel...and Claude. I growled but got in position. They walked over to the side of the bed and Claude revealed a small little with purple glowing liquid. "Are you sure its going to work?" Ciel asked, biting his lip.

   Claude nodded and uncorked the bottle. "Open wide, Michealis, " he said pouring the contents of the vile into my mouth. I winced as I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black. Suddenly, I didnt feel like light, and like the rules of gravity didnt apply to me anymore.

   I felt grounded, and full. In my body. I smiled inwardly but fought the urge to open my eyes. I stopped my breathing and my pulse. Ciel gasped. "H-He..." He inhaled sharply and I could here him holding back tears.

   "The deals off Faustus!" he declared. Claude chuckled. "No, our deal was that I bring you the potion," he said. "Not that it would work." And with that he was gone. Bastard,  I thought. Ciel fell to his knees and began to sob. "I'm sorry Sebastian," he cried. "I'm so, so sorry."

   His cries were heartbreaking. Faustus was almost out of range. Aaaaaannndddd....he was gone. I smirked, having the element of surprise on my side. I opened my scarlet eyes and exhaled. I sat up and my little Lord's eye grew wide.

   "Sebastian!" he cried, leaping into my lap and wrapping his arms around me. I chuckled. "I missed you," I said, kissing his head softly. "I missed you too," he said, burying his head in my chest.

There happy ending, happy?!? Well happy ending for now. MUAHAHHAHA!!! *clears throat* Shout out to my bros SoulEatsKittehSouls, sarahciel14, LegoHouse342, AllyKitty777 and my fabulous friend Kira_Sutcliff. They helped me with ideas so check out there stories!! Also, love my friends Rebecca, and Alyssas, there's two, its plural. Anyways thank you Sooooooo much for reading my story and please vote and follow and comment your...comments... Well, I must be off. ssscccrrEEEEEECCCHHHHH!!!!!!!!

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