Chapter 19: Plan

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Me: Im back ladies!

Ciel: *runs up to me* Thank god! You left me alone with these...animals!!!

Me: Ehhhhhh Physical contact *squirms*

Kira: GET OVER HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH! *chases Ciel around with a stick*

Me: Well my vacation went great thank you for asking. But my mother died.

Sebastian: *gasp* How?!

Me: A snapping turtle.

Sebastian: A snapping turtle?

Me: A snapping turtle. It rides a dolphin. It shot a missile into mamas home. *tolds back tears* It blew up! Its terrifying. How it got into the mountains, I dont know. Its called by many names but the ancients call it...*looks into the distance* Christopher.

Sebastian: Uh...your mothers not really dead is she?

Me: Not at all.

Sebastian: Uh huh. So you readers were probably wondering what was happening in the last chapter with all that confusion of how I let them take Ciel and then you spent a week crying yourself to sleep because you needed to know the answer.



Me: Uh...pull up the chapter?

Jerry: Oh yeah! Sorry!!

Me: Dammit Jerry. Why do you still have a job here?!

Jerry: Because I have 5 children all named Zephyrhills.

Me:....right....O-On with the chapter.... *tears up* What a shitty shitty life...

(Ciel's P.O.V)

   I woke up with an immense pain in my head. I groaned. "Sebastian?" I asked groggily. "Ugh what time is it?" I gasped as I saw a man step out of the shadows. A butler to be precise. But not mine. Claude smirked. "It appears to be noon Young Master," He said, appearing to be pleased with himself. "It seems you have overslept."

   I growled. "Wheres Sebastian?" I demanded. He sighed, obviously annoyed. "Why do you care so much about that wreck? He doesn't even love you, you know. Hes a demon, its impossible." I glared at him angrily, trying to lash out at him only to find my arms bounded my chains.

   "Your lying!"I shouted. "Sebastian would never do that to me!" He chuckled, a sick twisted noise that should never come out of any being. "Your just a meal for him, Ciel," he said, approaching me. I hated the way he said my name. It was absolutely repulsive.

   "Do you know how many contracts hes made where he so called 'loved' the contractor? And what did he do then? Stole their soul just like the rest. Dont think yourself any different." I sat their quietly. He had a point. A very valid point that I shouldn't listen to.

   But...was it true?

(A/N: I was gonna end the chapter there but that would be to cruel, and lucky for you, I love my lovlies dearly. Maybe)

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   I walked through the Trancy Manor gardens, replaying the plan in my mind. I intentionally left the window unlocked and left Ciel alone for that long because I meant for Claude to take him. That idiot would would so clouded with hunger that he wouldn't second guess the circumstances.

   And thats where I would take that chance and kill him. Hopefully. I shook my head. No time for second guessing myself. Not now. Now was time for action. I raced stealthily into the mansion and put my ear to the door.

   "Why have you brought me here?" Ciel demanded. I heard Faustus chuckle and the sound of a window opening. "I've decided to claim my part of our little bargain early," he said. My body tensed up. I heard Ciel stop breathing.

   "What do you mean?" Ciel asked, clearly trying to hide the fear in his voice. I heard the sound of chains rattling and being undone and my young lover being lifted. "Im going to take your soul," Claude said, throwing Ciel over his shoulder and jumping out the window.

   I stood there, outside of the door, not moving an inch. He was taking his soul. This is earlier than I expected. Ciel must be devestated, fearful of having his soul devoured by a horrible spider. But I wasn't going to let that happen. I growled, leaping out the door and following the gruesome demon that is Claude Faustus. I was panicking, and it showed. Thousands of thoughts racing through my mind but only one was repeating itself to me. That wasn't part of the plan.


Me: Dayum. Well, thats happening.

Sebastian: *hyperventilating* Oh my god. Oh my god.

Me: Yeahhh wellll I tried a new style of writing kinda fitted some big words and improved the writing. Leave a comment telling me what you think and vote to show your appreciation! And I think thats about--

Kira: NOPE! Dye has a boyfrand!!!

Me: *blushing* SHUT UP!!! *clears throat* Yeah....hes @SebbyMichaelis_31 and if you mess with him I will keel you *takes out knives* But I dont like shooting people. I like cuttin people up.

Kira: *nervous laughter* Hahaha yeah. Shes the jealous type. Anyways I guess I'll give people shout outs. *clears throat* 'Shout out to my buds and brosifs @Nekociel0724,  @CielxSebastian13, @ciel_phantomhive13, @Demon-Lord-of-Hell, and @SoulEatsKittehSouls' Oh and look me @Kira_Sutcliffe. Haha yeah.

Me: Shut up. Okay love you lovlies and please vote and comment what you thought of this chapter and your other thoughts or if I should kill myself or whatever you young people are into these days. And if you want me to draw you please dont be afraid to ask! Stay fabulous lovlies and see you in the next chappie ♡

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